AWS Web Application Firewall Blog

Ensure advanced security for Web Apps and API through effective implementation of AWS WAF services

AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) is a robust security tool that helps protect web applications and API from external threats like SQL injection and cross site scripting attacks. It consists of a set of rules that control access to the applications based on the IP addresses, geographic location, or user-agent strings.

AWS WAF helps in the effective monitoring of HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to the web application infrastructure. 

AWS WAF also provides logging and monitoring capabilities, allowing customers to review and analyze traffic patterns and security events to identify potential security threats and take appropriate actions.

Common threats faced by API and web applications.

Web applications and API are vulnerable to various kinds of attacks that lead to unprecedented downtime, privacy intrusion, or high bandwidth usage. The most common web attacks include:

  • DDoS attacks: This involves flooding a web application or API with traffic leading to application crashing or becoming unresponsive.
  • SQL injection: The process of inserting malicious SQL statements into a web application’s input fields by attackers to gain access to sensitive information stored in the database is known as SQL injection. 
  • Cross-site scripting: This involves injecting malicious scripts into a web page or API response which is then executed by the victim’s browser. These scripts can rewrite the content of the HTML pages.   

AWS helps protect web applications and API from typical vulnerabilities by allowing the users to set rules to monitor web traffic and help minimize web attacks. 

Steps to configure AWS WAF to protect web resources

  • Start by defining your security requirements, determine which resources you need to protect and the type of attacks that you want to secure your applications from.
  • Create a web ACL (Access Control List) which consists of a set of rules to block traffic from accessing the web application. 
  • The next step involves configuring a set of rules to protect web applications. AWS WAF consists of pre-configured rules that protect web applications against common attacks. This set of rules can be customized according to specific needs. 
  • Next define the conditions when the rule needs to be triggered. These conditions comprise of expressions that specify the attributes of the web requests, such as the IP address of the client or the type of the browser being used.
  • Finally, by integrating the Web ACL with the CloudFront distribution, API Gateway, or Application Load Balancer, you can deploy it to your web application.

Benefits of AWS WAF:

AWS WAF plays a major role in protecting your website against web attacks based on your specific criteria. The characteristics of web requests such as the following can be used to define specific criteria:

  • Requests originating from IP addresses.
  • The country from where the requests originate.
  • Header value of the requests.
  • The strings are included in requests, either specifically or by matching regular expression (regex) patterns.
  • Length of requests.
  • SQL injection that implies malicious SQL code.
  • Cross-site scripting that includes malicious script.
  • Rules that allow, block, or count web requests that meet certain criteria. A rule can also be configured to block or count web requests that meet the specified criteria but exceed a specified number of requests in a 5-minute period as well.
  • Rules that can be reused for multiple web applications.
  • A set of managed rule groups from AWS and AWS Marketplace sellers.
  • An analysis of real-time metrics and sample web requests.
  • Implementation of AWS WAF API for Automated administration.

Features of AWS WAF for robust protection against web attacks

  • Protection against common web exploits: AWS WAF allows you to protect your web applications against common web exploits such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other types of attacks.
  • Customizable rules: You can customize rules in AWS WAF to match your specific needs. This allows you to create rules that are tailored to your application and protect against the most common threats.
  • Scalability: AWS WAF is designed to be scalable, which means it can handle large volumes of traffic without impacting application performance.
  • Integration with other AWS services: AWS WAF can be integrated with other AWS services, such as Amazon CloudFront, AWS Elastic Load Balancing, and AWS Application Load Balancer. This allows you to protect your entire application stack, from the front-end to the back end.
  • Real-time monitoring and logging: AWS WAF provide real-time monitoring and logging capabilities, which allows you to detect and respond to threats in real-time.
  • Cost-effective: AWS WAF is a cost-effective solution for protecting your web applications. Resources are only charged based on usage, with no upfront costs or long-term contracts.

How to optimize performance through effective use of AWS WAF?

AWS WAF services lead to performance implications such as latency, higher processing overheads, and increased costs when not implemented in the right way. To avoid such implications, it is suggested to follow the below methods and optimize performance.

  • Customized use of AWS WAF: Not all web applications require a web application firewall. If your web application is not vulnerable to common web-based attacks, you may not need to use AWS WAF.
  • Use caching: Caching can help to reduce the number of requests that need to be inspected by AWS WAF. You can use caching solutions like Amazon CloudFront or Amazon Elasticache to cache frequently accessed content.
  • Use Amazon API Gateway: Amazon API Gateway can help to reduce the number of requests that need to be inspected by AWS WAF. You can use API Gateway to route requests to specific endpoints, reducing the number of requests that need to be inspected.
  • Optimize your AWS WAF rules: AWS WAF allows you to create custom rules to block or allow traffic. You can optimize these rules to reduce the processing overhead of AWS WAF.
  • Monitor your AWS WAF usage: Monitoring your AWS WAF usage can help you identify any performance bottlenecks. You can use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor your AWS WAF usage and identify any issues.

Best practices for implementing AWS WAF

AWS WAF best practices ensure the web applications are well protected from common threats and vulnerabilities. 

Some of the best practices for AWS WAF include:

  • Using managed rules
  • Create rules based on the security requirements to filter traffic.
  • Monitor AWS WAF logs to identify potential threats.
  • Regularly update AWS WAF rules to ensure the application is protected against the latest threats.
  • Use AWS WAF with other security services to provide a more comprehensive security solution for web applications.
  • Test the WAF rules for proper working and maximize performance.
  • AWS security automation provides a dashboard that is customized to provide insights into potential threats and the protection that AWS WAF provides.

Case Study

AWS WAF is a robust security solution helping companies to improve their overall security posture and protect their web applications and API from external threats. Below mentioned are two case studies of organizations that have successfully implemented AWS WAF and achieved complete protection of their resources.

  1. Oricred: Oricred is a financial services organization that offers loans and financial services to all sectors of society. They used AWS WAF to protect their web applications from security threats such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). By using AWS WAF, they were able to monitor their traffic, block malicious requests, and respond to threats in real-time. The effective implementation of AWS WAF included custom managed security rules to protect web applications and APIs against potential threats.
  2. Property Adviser: Property Adviser, a real estate giant, implemented a comprehensive security solution to ensure the security of customer data. They implemented AWS WAF through a set of rules and achieved complete protection for the customer-facing applications. AWS WAF helped secure the customer information and protect web applications against common web exploits and bots facilitating its growth strategy.

GoDgtl by Prutech, an Advance AWS partner, has successfully implemented AWS WAF and achieved complete protection for the applications through a set of managed rules for both Oricred and Property Adviser.


AWS WAF is a comprehensive security solution for organizations looking to secure their crucial web applications and API from cyber-attacks and external threats.

AWS WAF provides logging and monitoring capabilities, allowing customers to review and analyze traffic patterns and security events to identify potential security threats and take appropriate actions.

GoDgtl by Prutech, an Advanced Consulting Partner of AWS offers the latest security solutions for customers across the world. Our expertise team of cloud engineers have successfully implemented customized AWS WAF solution for organizations of various business verticals.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Security as a Service

Achieving Optimal Security: Right Sizing with FortiFlex

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, organizations are constantly challenged with the task of ensuring robust security while effectively optimizing their resources. One-size-fits-all security solutions are no longer adequate to protect against sophisticated cyberattacks. To overcome this challenge, organizations require security solutions that can adapt and scale according to their specific needs.

Fortiflex from Fortinet is a powerful security solution that is designed to assist organizations in achieving optimal security by customizing their defenses to the right size. 

Understanding the Right Sizing Approach:

The process of rightsizing security involves tailoring security measures to suit an organization’s specific requirements, risk tolerance, and available resources. It aims to strike the perfect balance between security effectiveness and operational efficiency. This approach acknowledges that not all organizations share the same security needs, and inflexible and overly complex security solutions can be both costly and unnecessary for some.

It is about finding the perfect balance between security effectiveness and operational efficiency.

FortiFlex: The Adaptive Security Solution:

FortiFlex, an innovative security solution developed by Fortinet, a renowned global leader in cybersecurity, presents a distinctive approach to safeguarding organizations. It grants them the invaluable flexibility to tailor their security infrastructure precisely to their unique requirements. With FortiFlex, organizations are empowered to select the ideal combination of security features, cutting-edge technologies, and deployment options, enabling them to construct a robust and scalable security framework.

Key Benefits of FortiFlex:

  • Cost Optimization: By adopting a right-sizing strategy with FortiFlex, organizations can avoid unnecessary expenses on excessive security measures. They can allocate their resources more efficiently, investing in the areas that truly matter for their specific security needs.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: FortiFlex empowers organizations to enhance their security operations by eliminating redundancies and prioritizing critical areas. By aligning security measures with their specific risks and priorities, organizations can achieve heightened operational efficiency. This streamlined approach enables businesses to optimize their resources and effectively mitigate potential threats, ensuring a robust security framework.
  • Scalability: As organizations grow and evolve, their security needs undergo significant changes. FortiFlex provides the necessary scalability to effectively adapt to these evolving requirements. With FortiFlex, organizations can effortlessly incorporate or modify security features as per their specific needs, thereby ensuring the maintenance of robust defenses even during expansion phases.
  • Tailored Protection: Different organizations face distinct security challenges. FortiFlex empowers organizations to choose specific security features and technologies that align with their unique risks and compliance requirements. This customized protection guarantees optimal effectiveness against targeted threats.
  • Simplified Management: FortiFlex offers a comprehensive management interface that empowers organizations to efficiently oversee their security infrastructure through a single, user-friendly dashboard. This centralized management system streamlines the administration of security policies, minimizing complexity, and enhancing overall security posture.

FortiFlex Best Practices:

  • Assess Your Security Needs: Conduct a thorough assessment of your organization’s security requirements, risks, and compliance obligations. Identify areas that require additional protection and areas where existing measures can be optimized. This will ensure a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s security landscape, enabling you to make informed decisions to enhance its protection. By conducting a comprehensive assessment, you will gain valuable insights into the specific security needs of your organization. This will allow you to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks that may pose a threat to your operations. Moreover, it will help you understand the compliance obligations that your organization must meet to ensure legal and regulatory adherence.
  • Determine Key Security Features: Evaluate FortiFlex’s extensive range of security features and technologies to determine which ones best align with your organization’s specific needs and priorities. These may include firewall protection, intrusion prevention systems, secure web gateways, endpoint security, and more. By carefully assessing and selecting the most suitable security measures, you can enhance your organization’s overall protection against potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Plan for Scalability: When contemplating the future growth and expansion plans of your organization, it is crucial to carefully choose a FortiFlex deployment option that can seamlessly adapt to your evolving needs. Whether you opt for an on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid solution, it is imperative to ensure that your security infrastructure can effectively expand alongside your organization. By considering the scalability of your chosen FortiFlex deployment option, you can confidently plan and accommodate the growth of your organization. This will enable you to seamlessly integrate additional resources and functionalities as your needs evolve, without compromising the security of your systems.
  • Consult with Experts: Engage with Fortinet’s security experts or certified partners who can help you design and implement the right-sized security solution. Their expertise will ensure that your FortiFlex deployment aligns with your organization’s goals and provides maximum protection.


Achieving optimal security requires a proactive and adaptable approach. By right sizing your security with FortiFlex, you can create a robust and efficient security framework tailored to your organization’s specific needs. This approach enables organizations to optimize their resources, enhance operational efficiency, and effectively defend against evolving threats. With FortiFlex, you can embrace a security strategy that fits like a glove—providing the right protection at the right scale.

GoDgtl by Prutech has a strategic partnership with Fortinet allowing it to provide updated technology solutions for its clients. GoDgtl implements robust security solutions to help organizations secure their vital assets.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (