AWS EC2 for Windows Blog

Things to consider before migrating Microsoft Windows workloads to AWS

Increasingly, organizations are migrating their Microsoft Windows workloads to Amazon Web Services (AWS) to leverage the scalability, agility, and cost benefits of the cloud. However, a successful migration requires careful consideration and planning.

In this blog post, we will explore key factors to consider before migrating Windows workloads to AWS. We’ll cover workload assessment, suitable AWS services, licensing and support, security and compliance, networking, data migration, cost considerations, performance optimization, and migration strategies.

By understanding these considerations, you can make informed decisions and ensure a smooth and efficient migration that aligns with your organization’s goals.

Let’s dive in and discover how AWS can empower your Windows workloads in the cloud, enabling improved scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency.”

Assessment of Workloads: 

Before initiating the migration process of Windows workloads to AWS, conducting a thorough assessment is of utmost importance. This assessment enables organizations to gather crucial information and make informed decisions regarding the migration strategy. Here are some key reasons why a comprehensive assessment is essential:

  • Identifying Dependencies: Understanding the dependencies of your Windows workloads is crucial for a successful migration. You need to identify any interdependencies between applications, databases, and other components to ensure they can function seamlessly in the AWS environment. This helps in planning the migration sequence and minimizing any potential disruptions.
  • Performance Requirements: Assessing the performance requirements of your Windows workloads is vital to determine the appropriate AWS resources needed. Consider factors such as CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network bandwidth requirements. By understanding these requirements, you can select the right AWS instance types and configurations to ensure optimal performance post-migration.
  • Security Considerations: Security is a top priority when migrating Windows workloads to AWS. Evaluate the security measures in place for your current environment and identify any gaps or vulnerabilities. Determine how AWS security services, such as identity and access management (IAM), virtual private cloud (VPC), and encryption mechanisms, can be leveraged to enhance the security posture of your workloads in the cloud.
  • Compliance Requirements: Many organizations operate in regulated industries that have specific compliance requirements. Identify any compliance standards or regulations applicable to your Windows workloads, such as HIPAA for healthcare data or PCI DSS for payment card information. Assess how AWS’s compliance certifications and services align with your compliance needs and ensure that your migration plan adheres to these requirements.
  • Cost Optimization: Assessing your Windows workloads helps in identifying opportunities for cost optimization. Determine the resource utilization patterns, peak times, and any inefficiencies in your current environment. This information enables you to select the appropriate AWS pricing models, such as reserved instances or spot instances, and optimize resource allocation to minimize costs while meeting performance requirements.

By conducting a thorough assessment of your Windows workloads, you gain a comprehensive understanding of their dependencies, performance requirements, security considerations, and compliance needs. This knowledge forms the foundation for a well-planned migration strategy, reducing risks and ensuring a smooth transition to AWS. It allows you to make informed decisions, select the right AWS services and configurations, and implement necessary security and compliance measures to maximize the benefits of migrating your Windows workloads to the cloud.

AWS Services and Features:

Here’s an overview of some AWS services and features that support Windows workloads and how they can optimize performance and enhance security:

  • Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) Instances: Amazon EC2 provides scalable virtual servers in the cloud. With EC2, you can deploy Windows-based instances and choose from various instance types based on your workload requirements. EC2 offers features such as auto-scaling to handle fluctuations in demand and Elastic Block Store (EBS) for reliable and high-performance block-level storage.
  • Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service) for SQL Server: Amazon RDS simplifies the management of SQL Server databases in the cloud. It provides automated backups, automated software patching, and high availability through Multi-AZ deployments. RDS for SQL Server allows you to offload database management tasks, optimize performance, and ensure data durability.
  • Amazon FSx for Windows File Server: FSx for Windows File Server offers fully managed Windows file shares in the cloud. It provides Windows-compatible file systems accessible over the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. FSx eliminates the need for managing file servers, ensuring high availability, durability, and seamless integration with Windows workloads.
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): IAM enables you to manage access and permissions for your Windows workloads on AWS. It allows you to create and manage users, groups, and roles, granting granular permissions to resources. IAM enhances security by enforcing least privilege principles and facilitating centralized control over access to AWS services.
  • AWS Directory Service: AWS Directory Service provides managed Active Directory services in the cloud. With AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AWS Managed Microsoft AD), you can seamlessly integrate AWS resources with your on-premises Active Directory. This enables centralized authentication and simplifies the management of Windows workloads in a hybrid environment.
  • AWS Systems Manager: Systems Manager automates administrative tasks and simplifies management for Windows workloads. It offers features such as inventory management, software patching, and remote management capabilities. Systems Manager helps optimize performance by ensuring that instances are up-to-date, properly configured, and compliant with policies.
  • AWS Firewall Manager and AWS WAF: These services help enhance security for Windows workloads on AWS. AWS Firewall Manager allows you to centrally manage firewall rules and enforce security policies across multiple accounts and VPCs. AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) provides protection against common web-based attacks, safeguarding your applications and data.

By leveraging these AWS services, you can optimize performance and enhance security for your Windows workloads. They provide scalable computing resources, managed databases, reliable file storage, centralized access control, automated management tasks, and robust security measures. These services enable you to focus on your applications while AWS handles the underlying infrastructure and operational aspects.


Migrating Windows workloads to Amazon Web Services (AWS) requires careful planning and consideration. By conducting a thorough assessment and leveraging suitable AWS services and features, organizations can optimize performance and enhance security for their Windows workloads in the cloud. Furthermore, partnering with GoDgtl by Prutech can provide additional expertise and support, facilitating business growth throughout the migration process. With GoDgtl by Prutech’s assistance, organizations can maximize the benefits of AWS and ensure a successful transition that enables improved scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

AWS Cloud Security Blog

Roadmap to Data Security and Compliance with AWS

Data security and compliance are critical concerns for organizations of all sizes and types, as data breaches and non-compliance can result in significant financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. These concerns are particularly important for organizations using AWS, given the sensitive nature of the data they store and process in the cloud.

As one of the leading cloud providers in the market, AWS offers a wide range of tools and services to help organizations secure their data and maintain compliance with various regulatory requirements. However, ensuring data security and compliance in AWS requires a comprehensive approach that involves understanding the various risks and threats, implementing appropriate security controls, and adhering to relevant compliance standards and regulations.

In this blog post, we will provide a roadmap for organizations looking to ensure the security and compliance of their data in AWS. We will cover the key considerations and steps involved in creating a security and compliance plan, implementing best practices, and leveraging AWS’s built-in security and compliance capabilities. By following this roadmap, organizations can minimize their data-related risks and ensure they meet the necessary compliance requirements.

Understanding Data Security and Compliance:

Data security refers to the measures taken to protect data stored and processed in the cloud from unauthorized access, theft, alteration, and destruction. Compliance, on the other hand, refers to the adherence to regulatory requirements and industry standards for data protection and privacy.

Organizations using AWS need to be aware of a range of regulations and standards that apply to data security and compliance, including:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): This EU regulation outlines data protection and privacy rules for individuals within the EU and European Economic Area (EEA). It applies to any organization that processes personal data of EU/EEA residents, regardless of the organization’s location.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): This US law regulates the handling of healthcare data and requires healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses to implement appropriate safeguards to protect patient data.
  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS): This standard outlines security requirements for organizations that handle payment card data, such as credit card information. It applies to all entities that store, process, or transmit payment card data.
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX): This US law requires companies to establish and maintain internal controls and procedures for financial reporting to reduce the possibility of fraudulent financial reporting.
  • ISO 27001: This is a widely recognized international standard for information security management systems (ISMS) that outlines a systematic approach to managing sensitive information and ensuring data security.
  • The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP): This program provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services used by US federal agencies.

These regulations and standards outline specific requirements for data security and privacy, and organizations using AWS must ensure they meet these requirements to maintain compliance. AWS offers compliance certifications for many of these regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and FedRAMP, among others. By using these certifications, organizations can help ensure their data is secure and compliant in AWS

AWS Security and Compliance Capabilities:

AWS offers a wide range of security and compliance features that are designed to help organizations protect their data in the cloud. Here are some of the key features:

  • Security controls: AWS provides a comprehensive set of security controls that enable organizations to protect their data in the cloud. These controls include encryption, access management, network security, monitoring and logging, and data protection features.
  • Compliance certifications: AWS has a number of compliance certifications that organizations can use to demonstrate their compliance with various regulatory requirements. These certifications include SOC 1, SOC 2, SOC 3, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, HIPAA, and many others.
  • AWS Shared Responsibility Model: AWS operates on a shared responsibility model, which means that while AWS is responsible for the security of the cloud infrastructure, the customer is responsible for securing the data and applications they run on AWS. This model helps to clarify the security responsibilities of both AWS and the customer.
  • Identity and access management (IAM): AWS IAM enables organizations to control who has access to their AWS resources and what actions they can perform. This feature allows organizations to implement least privilege access and multi-factor authentication to ensure that only authorized users can access their data.
  • Encryption: AWS offers a range of encryption options for data at rest and in transit. This includes server-side encryption, client-side encryption, and encryption of data in transit using HTTPS, SSL, and TLS.
  • Compliance reports and attestations: AWS provides customers with access to compliance reports and attestations that demonstrate the security and compliance of AWS services. These reports include third-party audit reports, compliance certifications, and AWS security whitepapers.

By leveraging these security and compliance features, organizations can better protect their data in the cloud and ensure they meet the necessary regulatory requirements. It’s important to note that while AWS provides a comprehensive set of security and compliance features, organizations are still responsible for configuring and managing these features to ensure their data is secure and compliant.

Creating a Security and Compliance Plan:

Creating a tailored security and compliance plan is crucial for organizations using AWS to protect their data in the cloud. The following steps can help organizations identify data risks and threats, define security policies and procedures, implement appropriate security controls, conduct regular security assessments, and stay up-to-date with compliance requirements.

  • Identify data risks and threats: Identify critical data, potential threats (such as unauthorized access, theft, or data loss), and the impact of those threats.
  • Define security policies and procedures: Create policies around access control, data encryption, network security, and incident response, based on industry best practices and regulatory requirements.
  • Implement appropriate security controls: Implement access control mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication and role-based access control, encryption for sensitive data, and monitoring and logging tools to detect and respond to security incidents.
  • Conduct regular security assessments: Conduct vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and audits of security controls by a third-party security expert to ensure an objective evaluation of the security posture.
  • Stay up-to-date with compliance requirements: Review compliance reports and attestations provided by AWS, stay informed of changes to regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA, and regularly review and update the security and compliance plan to meet evolving security needs.

By following these steps, organizations can develop a tailored security and compliance plan that helps protect their data in the cloud and meets the necessary regulatory requirements.

Best Practices for Data Security and Compliance:

Here are some best practices that organizations can follow to ensure the security and compliance of their data in AWS:

  • Manage access and permissions: Use the principle of least privilege to grant access to AWS resources. This means only granting access to those who require it, and limiting permissions to the minimum necessary for the user’s job function. Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to manage user access and permissions.
  • Monitor activity: Use AWS CloudTrail to monitor activity across your AWS infrastructure. CloudTrail provides a history of AWS API calls, including who made the call, when it was made, and what service was accessed. This can help detect unauthorized access and suspicious activity.
  • Encrypt data: Use AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to manage encryption keys and encrypt sensitive data at rest. Use AWS Certificate Manager to manage SSL/TLS certificates and ensure secure communication between services.
  • Use network security best practices: Use AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to create isolated network environments, and implement network security best practices such as firewall rules, security groups, and network ACLs.
  • Conduct regular audits and assessments: Conduct regular security assessments and audits to identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with regulations. Use AWS Trusted Advisor to identify security best practices, and use third-party tools and services to conduct vulnerability assessments and penetration testing.

By following these best practices, organizations can ensure the security and compliance of their data in AWS, and reduce the risk of security breaches and non-compliance. It’s important to note that these best practices should be regularly reviewed and updated to meet evolving security threats and compliance requirements.


Data security and compliance are crucial for organizations using AWS, as data breaches and non-compliance can lead to significant financial losses, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. AWS offers a wide range of tools and services to help organizations secure their data and maintain compliance with various regulatory requirements. However, GoDgtl cloud services can also be a valuable solution for businesses that are concerned about data security and compliance.

GoDgtl offers a variety of features and capabilities to help organizations secure their data and maintain compliance, including secure storage, data backup, and disaster recovery solutions. GoDgtl’s cloud services also offer advanced security features like multi-factor authentication, data encryption, and network security protocols to help prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

Organizations can also leverage GoDgtl’s expertise to create a tailored security and compliance plan that meets their specific needs and requirements. By working with GoDgtl, businesses can ensure that their data is protected and that they are meeting all necessary compliance standards

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Digital Transformation

Modernize your Applications and Deploy them in cloud

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, it’s essential to keep up with changing demands and stay competitive. Modernizing your application and deploying it in the cloud can provide significant benefits to your business. Let’s take a closer look at the key advantages of modernizing your application and deploying it in the cloud.

  • Scalability: Cloud platforms offer a vast array of computing resources that can be quickly scaled up or down based on demand, enabling you to respond to changes in demand with ease.
  • Flexibility: Cloud platforms provide a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to deploy your application on different operating systems, programming languages, and databases, providing you with the right technologies for your needs.
  • Cost Savings: Cloud platforms offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, reducing your upfront infrastructure costs, and providing you only pay for the resources you need, as well as providing management and automation tools, which can help reduce your operational costs.
  • Increased Security: Cloud platforms provide enhanced security features, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and data encryption, while many cloud providers offer compliance certifications, ensuring that your business meets regulatory requirements.

By modernizing your application and deploying it in the cloud, you can stay competitive and take advantage of these benefits.

Steps Involved in Modernizing Your Application

Modernizing your application is a complex process that involves several steps. Here are the steps involved in modernizing your application:

  • Assess the existing infrastructure: The first step is to assess the current state of your application and infrastructure. This includes evaluating the application architecture, identifying any legacy components, and assessing performance and scalability issues.
  • Identify areas that need improvement: Based on the assessment, identify areas of the application that need improvement. This could include upgrading to the latest version of the programming language, improving performance and scalability, or enhancing the user interface.
  • Select the right cloud platform: Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, you can select the right cloud platform for your needs. This involves evaluating the features, benefits, and pricing of different cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
  • Choose a modernization strategy: There are different modernization strategies to choose from, depending on the needs of your application. These include:
  • Rehosting: This involves moving the existing application to the cloud with minimal changes. Rehosting can provide cost savings and improve scalability, but may not fully take advantage of cloud capabilities.
  • Refactoring: Refactoring involves making changes to the code to improve the application’s performance, scalability, and functionality. Refactoring can provide greater benefits than rehosting, but may require more effort.
  • Rearchitecting: Rearchitecting involves redesigning the application architecture to take advantage of cloud capabilities. This can improve scalability, flexibility, and resilience, but may require significant changes to the application.
  • Rebuilding: Rebuilding involves completely rebuilding the application using cloud-native technologies. This can provide the greatest benefits in terms of scalability, performance, and flexibility, but is the most time-consuming and expensive option.
  • Plan the modernization process: Once you have chosen a modernization strategy, plan the modernization process. This involves creating a roadmap, setting milestones, and allocating resources.
  • Execute the modernization plan: Finally, execute the modernization plan, which involves implementing the changes to the application and infrastructure, testing and verifying the changes, and migrating the application to the cloud.

Choosing the Right Cloud Platform

Modernizing your application involves selecting the right cloud platform that fits your business needs, budget, and technical requirements. There are three main types of cloud platforms available – public, private, and hybrid clouds. Here’s a brief overview of each and how to choose the right one:

  • Public Cloud: This cloud computing model provides resources and services over the internet through a third-party cloud provider. It is scalable, cost-effective, and offers a wide range of services such as compute, storage, and networking. Popular public cloud providers include AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Private Cloud: This cloud computing model uses resources and services exclusively by a single organization. It offers greater security, control, and customization than public clouds but requires a significant upfront investment and ongoing maintenance. Private clouds can be deployed on-premises or in a hosted environment.
  • Hybrid Cloud: This cloud computing model combines the features of public and private clouds. Organizations can use both public and private cloud resources to meet their business needs. It allows organizations to take advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public clouds while maintaining control over sensitive data and applications in a private cloud.
When selecting a cloud platform, consider the following factors:
  • Business needs: Consider your business needs and the specific requirements of your applications.
  • Budget: Consider your budget and the cost of different cloud services.
  • Technical requirements: Consider the technical requirements of your applications, such as performance, security, and compliance.

Deploying an application in the cloud requires following best practices to ensure it’s done quickly, reliably, and securely. These include automating deployment, using containers, implementing CI/CD, testing, monitoring, and ensuring security. By following these practices, you can improve the quality, reliability, and security of your application and achieve greater efficiency and agility in your development and deployment processes

  • Automate Deployment: Automating your deployment process can help you streamline your application delivery and ensure consistency across environments. Use tools like Jenkins, Ansible, or Terraform to automate deployment, reduce manual errors, and speed up the deployment process.
  • Use Containers: Containers like Docker provide a lightweight and portable way to package and deploy applications. Using containers can help you achieve consistency and portability across environments, making it easier to deploy and scale your applications.
  • Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): CI/CD is a software development practice that helps teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. Implementing CI/CD pipelines can help automate the entire software development process, including building, testing, and deploying your application.
  • Test Your Application: Testing is critical to ensure that your application works as expected and meets the requirements of your users. Use automated testing tools like Selenium, JMeter, or Postman to test your application, identify bugs, and improve the overall quality of your application.
  • Monitor Your Application: Monitoring your application is essential to ensure that it is performing well and meets the expectations of your users. Use tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or CloudWatch to monitor your application’s performance, identify bottlenecks, and troubleshoot issues.
  • Ensure Security: Security should be a top priority when deploying your application in the cloud. Implement security best practices like role-based access control, network security, and data encryption to protect your application from cyber threats.


Modernizing and deploying your applications in the cloud can bring numerous benefits to your business, including scalability, flexibility, and reduced costs. However, it requires careful planning and execution to ensure a successful transition. By following best practices such as assessing your infrastructure, selecting the right cloud platform, and automating deployment, testing, and monitoring, you can ensure a reliable and secure deployment.

Businesses can also seek the help of professional cloud services providers like GoDgtl Services to assist them in their modernization and cloud deployment efforts. With our expertise in cloud architecture, development, and deployment, we can help you identify areas for improvement, select the right cloud platform, and implement best practices to ensure a successful transition. Our services also include ongoing support and monitoring to ensure your application is always up-to-date and secure.

By partnering with GoDgtl Services, you can modernize and deploy your applications in the cloud with confidence, knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (


Securing Hybrid Cloud Data with AWS Storage Gateway

Hybrid cloud data storage architectures provide the option of connecting your valuable on-premise data applications and systems to cloud computing data technology storage. Accordingly, this provides you with cost efficiency, reduced management burden, and massive potential for data innovation.

According to statistics from Mordor Intelligence, the Cloud Storage Gateway market is financially estimated to be valued at approximately USD 11 million by the year 2026.

As part of the application modernization strategy, the AWS Hybrid Cloud Data Storage solution serves as a centralized hub between development teams, business units, and vendors for driving modernization across the enterprise to meet key strategic business goals.

Protect your Hybrid Cloud Data Solution as part of the data modernization process using the Amazon Web Service Storage Gateway.

Purpose of AWS Hybrid Cloud Data Solution

Transform your cloud data storage to be accurate for the best results. Increasing use of Cloud Data Storage Solutions with services by customers was reported but in certain cases, applications working on-premises require low latency data access and quick data transfer to the cloud. In such cases, the on-premise applications and data-oriented systems are connected to Cloud Data Storage Technology.

Benefits of AWS Hybrid Cloud Data Storage Architecture

Safeguard and commercially protect your AWS Hybrid Cloud Data using the AWS Storage Gateway as part of the data modernization strategy. Amazon Hybrid Cloud Services provide a consistent AWS experience, by putting the same amount of effort into every service delivery with high-tech data security for optimum results.

Recognize the benefits of shifting from an existing decentralized application to a centralized cloud application. Get streamlined maintenance conduct, enhanced security, ongoing updates, and enable remote deployments globally while saving money, with the centralized cloud data storage application.

  • Improvise digital transformation

Achieve flawless, faster work process using the safe cloud infrastructure and quick service delivery due to uninterrupted work performance. Upgrade by managing all your data applications with Amazon Web Services, specifically those used in locations because of the data residency aspect, local processing, and latency requirements.

  • Increase the worth of IT and developer productivity

Present developers with an all-in-one IT platform, supplying exceptional quality for data building, deployment, and accurately managing IT applications.

  • Hybrid Cloud with AWS provides the potential for the IT staff to operate the same hardware, services, and platforms for working with data infrastructure management. Accordingly, this can be done with the benefit of supremely high-quality data storage in the form of On-premise, On-Cloud, or on-edge data platforms and online environments.
  • Showcase differentiated services and innovative data storage experiences

Work with interactive and responsive data applications, as new with original service offerings to users. Arrange your applications, commercial data infrastructure, and services on-premises for a superior data storage experience.

Using AWS Storage Gateway Solution

Prioritize your workload data transfer to the cloud platform that proves to be beneficial, considering agility which implies being quick, smarter, and clever for making commercial decisions. Also, get other benefits like improvising innovation with new, original, and uncommon ways of accurate data management.

Strengthen the virtual and offline data security of your commercial IT assets by protecting them from malware, phishing, ransomware, or any other cyber threats, cost-efficiently.

  • Deploy Commercial Data Storage Gateway:      Log in with your credentials to the AWS Management Console to create and generate a new storage gateway. Select a type, specifically file, volume, or tape. The pre-configured virtual environment will be deployed in your IT environment or data network depending on the download.
  • Minimum of 150GB of data storage for the local cache must be allotted. Storage gateway develops an instant connection online with AWS Cloud Computing Solution through a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.
  • Enable Storage Gateway:      Activation ensures the accurate connection between the newly deployed storage gateway and the AWS Cloud Computing Technology for data storage.
  • For checking the condition of the file gateway and its resources, activate with login by the configuration of the Amazon CloudWatch Log group that provides related notification.
  • Generate and create commercial data storage:      After activation is      complete, the user can begin data storage from the AWS Management console. The factor of storage type can be decided on the      basis of type of storage gateway      considered for deployment.    
  • Connect, collaborate and co-relate with clients:      Get modern, up-to-date, and uninterrupted access to AWS Cloud Storage on-premises with your local network. Work with clients and other modern data applications, like on a usual data storage system.

Upgrade your way of working with AWS Storage Gateway. Contact us today to learn more.  


How AWS IoT Can Be Used By eCommerce Businesses

Internet of Things(IoT) signifies an ecosystem of modern and commercial devices with the ability of internet access considering the potential to interact with each other through an online connection. IoT devices perform a crucial role in the Indian eCommerce Industry in both the contexts of local consumers and also in the commercial context of logistical services with inventory management.

Globally, by the year 2025, more than 64 billion IoT devices will be used, according to the tech jury. IoT provides the scope of financial value to be $4T to $11T by the year 2025.

eCommerce Services in India

COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant increase in online shopping. In this context, eCommerce companies must invest in technology services, precisely IoT devices for more accurate workflows leading to a high-quality output for happy customers. IoT devices present the advantage of data interchange based on an internet network that helps both retail and eCommerce services operate with process optimization. Accordingly, this offers the scope for transforming work processes to be effective, uninterrupted, and hassle-free, all thanks to high-quality IoT services.

Enter: Amazon Web Services(AWS)

In the era of digital prominence, the Amazon Web Services marketplace is perceived to be a curated digital catalog that offers the potential for organizations to procure and govern third-party software.

Overcome adverse technical conditions for the supply of valuable services for security, business, applications, data with analytics.

How can Amazon Web Services be used by eCommerce businesses?

  • Market evaluation with personalized criteria

Indian eCommerce businesses are recognized for their potential of doing a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the online market proficiently with expertise. These commercial ventures perform their valuable analysis on the data collected from practical IoT devices and businesses derive valuable insights about their customers.

These insights are precisely about customers’ online preferences, shopping patterns, search trends, and online browsing. Accordingly, Indian eCommerce services can develop the best customer-oriented marketing campaigns for best conversion rates on basis of their customer’s purchase decisions.

  • Inventory Management and Warehouse Maintenance

Overall stock management in the warehouse is done via IoT devices and the use of device management services.  Inventory management is achieved due to the activation of technologies like smart IoT Sensors, Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID) tags, and chips.

IoT chips are used for managing and storing details of product type, manufacturer, batch IDs, with expiry dates. Smart shelves are used for keeping a check on the weight and pressure of the products on the shelf. Accordingly, this data specification is stored on the internet.

  • Modernize Supply Chain and Logistical Operations 

Indian eCommerce services are contributing to happy customers due to the valuable role of IoT devices. IoT simplifies and organizes the supply chain process by offering scope for end-to-end process management, from one end to the other end. From product order confirmation to service delivery confirmation, IoT majorly contributes.

Amazon Web Services offers safe transport of goods as eCommerce services use RFID and GPS technology to keep a check on every phase of shipment stage, location, vehicle details, the temperature of goods, driver, weather, etc.

Explore, enhance and execute the duty to unlock the full data potential of eCommerce businesses with GoDgtl. Collect, store and analyze IoT data to fulfill the key strategic commercial aims, providing current with future value for better meeting the needs of the businesses.

Safeguard your IoT devices from cloud data technology. Activate intelligent IoT services with enhanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence integration. Develop scalability by the ability to increase service potential according to business requirements for commercial growth with the scope of achieving customer reach and engagement. Maximize the intensity of the system’s potential to scale-up performance and cost according to different business needs. Accordingly, this can be done considering application modernization changes and system processing demands.

Upcoming Trends of eCommerce services

  • Augmented reality technology solutions will develop the reality of online shopping.
  • eCommerce services will witness the increasing use of voice-oriented searches.
  • Subscription models will evolve that offer scope for customer acquisition and retention so that customers use one specific eCommerce brand forever without looking at other service providers. This helps eCommerce brands to acquire and retain customers on a long-term basis for beneficial results.
  • Mobile optimized eCommerce sites, mobile compatible eCommerce sites, and online stores will contribute to a positive shopping experience with happy customers.
  • Multi-channel customer services will be offered in case of product or service inquiries and service feedback.

Benefits of AWS to eCommerce business

  • AWS provides varied services by offering secure device connectivity for commercial data management, data storage, and data analytics, providing the potential for developing complete solutions,
  • Generate models using cloud data technology with double scope for commercial network connectivity performance and less run time footprint in an eco-friendly way.
  • Activate devices to be more intelligent by offering collaboration with machine learning, artificial intelligence, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

AWS IoT services are beneficial to every layer of your device application and provide high-tech commercial data security. Protect your commercial data with encryption and access control. Get the valuable benefit of auditing and monitoring configurations with the role of AWS IoT Device Defender.

If you want to upscale, and improve the quality of your eCommerce business with Amazon Web Services, connect with us at GoDgtl here.


Benefits of AWS Cloud for Startups

Amazon Web Services (AWS) gives startups access to a broad range of cloud computing and database management and maintenance tools. The suite of cloud services also makes data access across various devices possible at any time.

If you own a startup and you are contemplating using AWS for your cloud requirements, here are 7 benefits of AWS cloud for startups that’ll help you make the decision.

1. Affordability

Amazon Web Services allows startups to pay-as-they-go for the services they use. There are no contracts involved and startups can sign up for AWS and pay for the tools resources they end up consuming. On the other hand, the cost of hiring, building, and managing an in-house cloud team can be more expensive to the startup.

AWS makes sure that startup and SME owners find the most efficient and convenient AWS services at affordable costs. Tools, such as AWS Cost Explorer and Budgets, help startup owners and managers create personalized pricing plans, ensuring they do not have to pay for tools that they do not need or use.

2. Speed and Agility

Another major benefit of AWS for startups is its speed and agility. When you subscribe to AWS, you can request and get more server space in just a matter of minutes. You just need to choose your requirements accurately and watch your capabilities go global. This is because AWS has numerous tools that help in significantly reducing the time spent on orchestration. These tools help in autoscaling, increasing storage speed (through Amazon S3, Glacier, and AWS EBS), elastic load balancing, and giving access to high-speed, high-performance databases like Elasticache and Redshift.

3. An infrastructure that’s spread worldwide

This benefit of AWS for startups might not come to mind at first, but it is truly one of the biggest advantages of AWS. Amazon has been working continuously and vigorously on developing and perfecting its cloud computing requirements for over a decade now. Though it was initially done to back its e-commerce business, today businesses of the world can enjoy the benefits of its exquisite infrastructure that’s globally available. AWS is available in over 190 countries, so it makes going global for any business much easier.

4. Scalability

As AWS operates on a pay-as-you-go model that’s based on your startup’s usage, AWS successfully matches your startup’s requirements as you grow. The on-demand cloud computing software gives startups all the tools and resources they need. As the company expands, it offers the resources and tools needed to support the expansion. As AWS enables flexible usage, startups would never have to spend time re-examining their computing usage. Companies could, in fact, “set and forget” their computing needs when they use AWS.

5. Security and Reliability

Amazon Web Services is, arguably, one of the most secure and reliable cloud computing services providers. It has the best security as well as compliance protocols in place. It also has numerous powerful data centers spread across the world that are being closely monitored and maintained continuously.

Moreover, the AWS data centers are located in hidden, out-of-the-way locations, and access is allowed to people with authorization, and that too, on an essential basis. The data centers and the data stored therein are safe and secure from attacks and intrusions. With Amazon’s wealth of experience in cloud services, potential attacks and outages can be identified quickly and easily tackled.

6. The right collaborative tools

All AWS tools for startups have been designed and created to make the day-to-day operations of a business easy. Since its establishment, Amazon has expanded its suite of cloud services. Today, its range of tools goes way beyond cloud storage and cloud computing. When you use AWS, you get to unlock the power of artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, virtual reality, and robotics.

With Amazon Web Services, the technology you wish to leverage is just a click away. And the best part is that this is not, in any way, where AWS stops. AWS believes in continual innovation and experimentation for delivering an enhanced, seamless cloud experience and top-notch services.

7. Tutorials and Support

With the massive amount of tools available at your disposal through AWS, getting a little confused is normal. To support startups and help them understand the true power of the tools it has created, AWS has invested heavily in creating the necessary knowledge base that contains tutorials, online training, and documentation.

Moreover, for those who feel overwhelmed and do not know where to begin, AWS has also developed a partner network of Managed Services Providers (MSPs) that helps startups figure out their cloud requirements and manage their cloud environment.

GoDgtl is one such Managed Service Provider that helps startups and businesses in their digital transformation journey. We offer cloud migration, cloud consulting, and cloud optimization through which we take care of all your cloud requirements and help you focus on the growth of your business.

Know more about our services here.


AWS Cost Optimization and Cloud Financial Management

Cloud Financial Management in the cost optimization pillar of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework. It provides guidance to help customers apply the best practices in designing, delivering, and maintaining AWS environments.
A cost-optimized workload fully utilizes all resources, achieves an outcome at the lowest possible price point, and meets your functional requirements. This white paper provides in-depth guidance for building capability within
your organization, designing your workload, selecting your services, configuring and operating the services, and applying cost optimization techniques.

Cloud Financial Management (CFM) enables organizations to realize business value and financial success by optimizing their cost, usage, and scale on AWS.

GoDgtl understands how cloud computing – and the benefits of
flexibility, scalability, security, and agility enabled by cloud computing – can transform organizations.

Download our whitepaper to read the complete whitepaper.


Using AWS for Disaster Recovery

Whether caused by a malicious incident (malware/virus, ransomware), natural disaster, human error, software error, or hardware failure, the threat of an IT disaster always looms large at many organizations. A complete
shutdown, loss of access to critical systems and important data, a delay in response to customers and vendors — all these consequences can negatively impact the revenue, productivity, and reputation of any organization. IT is a critical component of business resiliency and continuity, and it’s imperative that you develop and implement IT disaster recovery plans to protect your operations from downtime and data loss.

To effectively and efficiently address the disaster recovery challenges, forward-looking businesses are implementing or switching to cloud-based disaster recovery.

Download our whitepaper on ‘Using AWS for Disaster Recovery’ to know five key reasons why cloud-based disaster recovery helps.


Should travel agencies migrate to the cloud?

According to GlobalData research, over 81% of travel companies have already invested in cloud computing technologies, and the rest plan on doing so in the next 3 years. Cloud computing technologies have surely simplified the operations and helped them enhance their productivity significantly. Cloud technologies have been adopted by almost all types of industries – even the travel industry.

In the current slowdown in economic conditions, cloud technologies can help travel and tourism organizations significantly in cutting down their operational costs and providing their customers with an exquisite travel experience. Especially in times of the pandemic, cloud and IT services have helped the travel industry (which has been affected the most) considerably.

Accelerating the travel industry’s service delivery

From the prices of the flight to ancillary services, things change rapidly in the travel industry. And with so many competitors out there, losing a customer’s attention is easy. As customers can find information related to travel destinations, hotels, and flights is available free of cost on so many websites, speed is the key to winning your customers.

Adopting the cloud keeps your travel business ahead of the competition, as it gives you the ability to provide customers with the latest information before someone else does. Cloud technologies increase the responsiveness and speed of your website and apps by working on things like the page rendering process and download time.

Moreover, customers change their habits quite rapidly in the travel and tourism industry. They desire instant services at the tap of their fingers. Using a cloud solution that is regularly updated keeps your infrastructure up-to-date. When your infrastructure is updated, you are on your toes and ready to adapt quickly to the changing customer requirements.

The dynamic nature of the travel industry

The travel and tourism industry is very dynamic, not just in terms of flight/hotel rates but also sales. Naturally, the sales increase during “seasons” and it goes down notably during the “off-season”. When travel companies still use on-premise infrastructure, they will have to pay for the bandwidth they did not even use during the off-season. It is not just about the money, it also takes a lot to maintain the on-premise infrastructure.

Cloud computing solutions and services give travel companies the flexibility of paying-as-they-go. The company can scale up its usage in minutes when it needs more bandwidth and can cut down on redundant services when you do not need them. Opting for cloud computing solutions helps you save a large amount of money and effort.

Offering personalized customer experience

Providing a positive customer experience is at the heart of the travel and tourism industry. Happy customers translate to customer retention as well as organizational growth. Cloud computing solutions can help travel companies enhance user satisfaction and increase customer retention. It enables travel agencies to give the customers access to their travel itineraries and content.

The existing customers’ information can be used by the agencies to provide them with more personalized and customized experiences. Using that information, agencies can extend exciting offers, discounts, and travel recommendations based on customer behavior as well as searches of the customers.

Mobile & remote access

Today, smartphones have become a huge source of app and website traffic. With people being so used to their smartphones, travel businesses cannot expect to thrive if their services are not mobile-friendly. Cloud computing services take care of this issue by allowing easy mobile access to users. It does not just make it more convenient for customers but also for the employees.

Cloud solutions enable remote access to the data for the staff when they’re working remotely or on a holiday or a business trip. With remote and hybrid working now becoming a part of the new normal, cloud computing enables efficient business functioning without having the staff in the office.

Security, backup & disaster management

With massive amounts of data and information comes great responsibility. Securing the data of its valuable customers is at the heart of every travel organization. With cloud computing services, you can rest assured that the data of your customer is secure. The encryption policy of cloud services is much more efficient and reliable than any on-premise infrastructure. Moreover, with cloud services, you don’t need to invest any additional time and money into securing your data. This gives you more time and other resources to focus on your travel agency’s quality of services and products.

Moreover, even if a long-term power outage or natural disaster takes place, you will not have to worry about losing access to your data. This is because cloud computing service providers save backups of your data in multiple safe locations. Ultimately, this results in lesser downtime and speedy recovery of data. This disaster management is more than enough to say that cloud computing is the present as well as the future of the travel industry.

GoDgtl offers cutting-edge managed cloud computing services for disruptive travel industry players like you. View our services here.


[1] GlobalData (2020) “How cloud computing is shaping the future of the travel industry” [Online] Available from:–cloud-computing-in-travel-and-tourism-thematic-research/ [Accessed December 2021]