AWS Storage Services Blog

Exploring Hybrid Capabilities of AWS Storage Gateway: Bridging On-Premises and Cloud Environments

With the ever-increasing demand for cloud-based solutions, organizations are constantly striving to optimize their operations and maximize their resources. AWS Storage Gateway offers a comprehensive solution that seamlessly integrates on-premises infrastructure with the limitless potential of the cloud.

By leveraging AWS Storage Gateway, organizations can effortlessly extend their on-premises storage into the cloud, enabling them to securely store and retrieve data whenever needed. This innovative technology ensures a smooth and efficient transition, allowing businesses to take full advantage of the cloud’s scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Understanding AWS Storage Gateway

AWS Storage Gateway is a highly adaptable service that serves as a crucial link between on-premises environments and AWS Cloud storage services. This remarkable solution enables organizations to effortlessly expand their on-premises data centers into the cloud, all while ensuring top-notch security. Moreover, it seamlessly integrates with various AWS storage solutions, including the renowned Amazon S3, Amazon EBS, and Amazon Glacier. By leveraging this powerful tool, businesses can attain a unified storage experience that harmoniously combines the advantages of both on-premises and cloud environments.

Key capabilities of Hybrid system

1. File Gateway

The File Gateway functionality of AWS Storage Gateway allows businesses to store files as objects in Amazon S3 buckets, which can be accessed from both on-premises environments and the cloud. This feature provides a cost-effective solution for file-based workloads by eliminating the requirement for local storage management, while offering scalable and durable storage in the cloud. File Gateway supports industry-standard file protocols, making it seamless to integrate with existing applications and workflows.

Whether you are using NFS or SMB protocols, File Gateway seamlessly integrates with your systems, ensuring a smooth transition to cloud storage.

2. Volume Gateway

For organizations requiring block-level storage, Volume Gateway offers two modes: Stored Volumes and Cached Volumes.

Stored Volumes facilitate the creation of Amazon EBS snapshots and securely store the data in Amazon S3. This approach is highly suitable for both primary data storage and disaster recovery purposes. It offers expedited access to frequently accessed data, ensuring minimal latency. Additionally, it empowers you to effortlessly generate cloud-based backups that are readily accessible whenever needed.

Cached Volumes enable the utilization of Amazon S3 as the primary data repository while simultaneously preserving frequently accessed data on a local level. This approach effectively reduces the necessity for substantial local storage, all the while ensuring the provision of low-latency performance for frequently accessed data.

3. Tape Gateway

Tape Gateway provides a smooth transition to cloud-based archival for organizations that heavily depend on tape backups. It introduces virtual tape libraries (VTLs) that utilize Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier as cost-effective storage solutions for long-term data retention. This eliminates the hassle of managing physical tape libraries and provides the benefits of cloud scalability and durability.

With Tape Gateway, organizations can effortlessly embrace the benefits of cloud technology for their archival needs.

Benefits of AWS Storage Gateway

1. Cost Efficiency

By utilizing cloud storage, organizations can enhance cost optimization by easily adjusting storage capacity without the need for initial investments in physical hardware. Furthermore, the implementation of data tiering capabilities enables efficient storage allocation based on access patterns, ensuring the utilization of the most cost-effective storage class. This strategic approach not only streamlines expenses but also provides flexibility and scalability for businesses.

2. Scalability

AWS Storage Gateway offers the remarkable advantage of scaling your storage infrastructure without the constraints of on-premises hardware. Whether you are dealing with escalating data volumes or seasonal spikes, cloud-based storage can effortlessly cater to your requirements. This unparalleled flexibility ensures that your storage needs are met efficiently and effectively.

3. Data Protection and Disaster Recovery

Storing data in the cloud using AWS Storage Gateway significantly enhances data protection and disaster recovery capabilities. With automated backups, snapshots, and the exceptional durability of AWS storage services, your data is guaranteed to remain safe and easily recoverable.

4. Hybrid Architecture

The AWS Storage Gateway seamlessly integrates with your existing on-premises infrastructure, allowing you to effortlessly retain essential data on-site while transferring less frequently accessed data to the cloud. This enables you to maintain critical data on-site while offloading less frequently accessed data to the cloud, optimizing storage resource utilization.


AWS Storage Gateway is a robust tool that enables organizations to fully embrace the potential of hybrid cloud architectures. By seamlessly connecting on-premises environments with AWS cloud storage services, businesses can achieve cost-effective scalability, enhanced data protection, and streamlined data management. Whether you are dealing with file-based workloads, block-level storage, or tape backups, AWS Storage Gateway offers versatile solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing hybrid capabilities can strategically position your organization for success in the cloud era.

GoDgtl by Prutech is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner offering robust cloud solutions to organizations. Our mission is to assist individuals in developing their knowledge of cloud computing and help businesses strive for greater success by implementing the best practices and expertise in the industry. Our goal is to build a strong and reliable cloud computing ecosystem by sharing valuable insights into the technological intricacies within cloud space.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Consulting

The Future of Cloud: Trends and Innovations to Watch

Cloud technology is the backbone of the latest technological advancements and a trailblazer in the modern tech industry. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it has revolutionized the way businesses operate and individuals access information. 

Cloud technology enables users to store, manage, and access data and applications remotely, providing unparalleled convenience and flexibility. Its impact on the tech industry is undeniable, and it continues to shape the future of technology. As such, it is crucial for businesses and individuals alike to stay up to date with the latest cloud technology trends and developments to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

With the rapid pace of innovation in cloud technology and the increasing availability of new tools and services, Gartner predicts that global public cloud end-user spending will soar to almost $600 billion by 2023.

This forecast highlights the growing importance of cloud computing in the modern business landscape, as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of cloud-based solutions to drive growth and innovation. As such, it is essential for businesses to stay up to date with the latest cloud trends and technologies to remain competitive and achieve long-term success.

Key trends to watch in Cloud computing!

The future of cloud computing predicts several trends and developments that are expected to shape the landscape and enhance business delivery.

Hybrid and multi-cloud dominance

  • As businesses become increasingly adept at utilizing multiple cloud providers, the adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies is expected to surge. This approach enables organizations to seamlessly leverage the unique strengths and services of various providers, thereby optimizing their cloud infrastructure. 
  • By embracing this approach, businesses can achieve greater flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in their cloud operations. As such, the trend towards hybrid and multi-cloud strategies is poised to become a key driver of innovation and growth in the cloud computing industry.

Expansion of edge computing

  • The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the rapid growth and widespread adoption of interconnected devices that can communicate and exchange data with each other over the internet. 
  • As the number of IoT devices continues to increase, so does the amount of data generated by these devices. This data often needs to be processed and analyzed in real time to extract valuable insights or enable timely actions. 
  • However, transmitting all IoT data to centralized cloud data centers for processing can be impractical and inefficient due to factors like network latency, bandwidth limitations, and privacy concerns. The role of edge computing becomes evident in this context. 
  • By deploying computing resources, such as edge servers or gateways, in close proximity to the IoT devices, data can be processed locally, reducing the need for data transmission to centralized cloud data centers.

Advancements in AI and machine learning

  • Cloud providers will continue their substantial investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. 
  • Cloud providers are leveraging AI and ML to develop intelligent automatic scaling capabilities. By analyzing usage patterns, data trends, and other relevant factors, AI and ML algorithms can predict resource needs and automatically scale up or down as required.
  • Cloud providers are investing in AI and ML technologies to develop self-healing systems that can autonomously detect and resolve issues. These systems employ algorithms to continuously monitor the health and performance of cloud resources, applications, and infrastructure. If anomalies or failures are detected, the AI and ML algorithms can quickly identify the root causes and take corrective actions.
  • AI and ML capabilities are being integrated into cloud services to enable more advanced data analytics. Cloud providers are developing tools and frameworks that leverage AI algorithms to extract valuable insights, patterns, and predictions from large volumes of data.
  • Cloud providers are investing in AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) technologies to improve communication and interaction with their cloud services.
  • Cloud providers are investing in sophisticated algorithms that can accurately analyze and interpret visual and auditory data. 

Heightened focus on security

  • Cloud providers will allocate more resources towards developing and implementing robust security technologies. This includes advancements in encryption, authentication mechanisms, intrusion detection and prevention systems, threat intelligence, and security analytics. Investments will also be made in security infrastructure, such as firewalls, secure data centers, and disaster recovery systems.
  • Cloud providers will implement more stringent controls to regulate who has access to data and how it can be used. This involves enhancing identity and access management systems, implementing fine-grained access controls, and enforcing data governance policies.
  • With the growing awareness of data privacy and individual rights, cloud providers will prioritize protecting user rights within their services. This includes complying with relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other regional privacy laws.
  • Cloud providers will face increasing scrutiny regarding their security practices and overall accountability. This will drive the adoption of independent security audits, certifications, and compliance frameworks to validate the security posture of cloud services.
  • Cloud providers will actively engage with regulatory bodies and industry associations to shape security standards and best practices. They will participate in public-private partnerships to address emerging security challenges and contribute to the development of regulations and guidelines.

Enhanced Regulation

The ubiquity of cloud services has brought about a need for heightened regulatory measures. Data privacy and security concerns must be addressed to ensure the protection of user rights. By implementing these regulations, cloud providers will be held accountable for their actions, promoting a safer and more secure online environment.


Cloud computing is a powerful tool that drives innovation, growth, and transformation in various industries. Embracing its benefits is crucial for businesses to optimize operations and enhance competitiveness. Cloud adoption offers scalable computing resources, cost reduction, and improved agility. It also enables businesses to leverage advanced technologies like AI, ML, and big data analytics for valuable insights and informed decision-making. The future of cloud computing is promising, presenting opportunities for organizations to thrive.

GoDgtl by Prutech is an Advanced AWS Consulting Partner offering expertise cloud solutions for organizations across the globe. We offer customised cloud solutions through the effective implementation of the most advanced cloud technologies and help businesses stay ahead of the competitive curve.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Digital Transformation

Modernize your Applications and Deploy them in cloud

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, it’s essential to keep up with changing demands and stay competitive. Modernizing your application and deploying it in the cloud can provide significant benefits to your business. Let’s take a closer look at the key advantages of modernizing your application and deploying it in the cloud.

  • Scalability: Cloud platforms offer a vast array of computing resources that can be quickly scaled up or down based on demand, enabling you to respond to changes in demand with ease.
  • Flexibility: Cloud platforms provide a high degree of flexibility, allowing you to deploy your application on different operating systems, programming languages, and databases, providing you with the right technologies for your needs.
  • Cost Savings: Cloud platforms offer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, reducing your upfront infrastructure costs, and providing you only pay for the resources you need, as well as providing management and automation tools, which can help reduce your operational costs.
  • Increased Security: Cloud platforms provide enhanced security features, such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and data encryption, while many cloud providers offer compliance certifications, ensuring that your business meets regulatory requirements.

By modernizing your application and deploying it in the cloud, you can stay competitive and take advantage of these benefits.

Steps Involved in Modernizing Your Application

Modernizing your application is a complex process that involves several steps. Here are the steps involved in modernizing your application:

  • Assess the existing infrastructure: The first step is to assess the current state of your application and infrastructure. This includes evaluating the application architecture, identifying any legacy components, and assessing performance and scalability issues.
  • Identify areas that need improvement: Based on the assessment, identify areas of the application that need improvement. This could include upgrading to the latest version of the programming language, improving performance and scalability, or enhancing the user interface.
  • Select the right cloud platform: Once you have identified the areas that need improvement, you can select the right cloud platform for your needs. This involves evaluating the features, benefits, and pricing of different cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
  • Choose a modernization strategy: There are different modernization strategies to choose from, depending on the needs of your application. These include:
  • Rehosting: This involves moving the existing application to the cloud with minimal changes. Rehosting can provide cost savings and improve scalability, but may not fully take advantage of cloud capabilities.
  • Refactoring: Refactoring involves making changes to the code to improve the application’s performance, scalability, and functionality. Refactoring can provide greater benefits than rehosting, but may require more effort.
  • Rearchitecting: Rearchitecting involves redesigning the application architecture to take advantage of cloud capabilities. This can improve scalability, flexibility, and resilience, but may require significant changes to the application.
  • Rebuilding: Rebuilding involves completely rebuilding the application using cloud-native technologies. This can provide the greatest benefits in terms of scalability, performance, and flexibility, but is the most time-consuming and expensive option.
  • Plan the modernization process: Once you have chosen a modernization strategy, plan the modernization process. This involves creating a roadmap, setting milestones, and allocating resources.
  • Execute the modernization plan: Finally, execute the modernization plan, which involves implementing the changes to the application and infrastructure, testing and verifying the changes, and migrating the application to the cloud.

Choosing the Right Cloud Platform

Modernizing your application involves selecting the right cloud platform that fits your business needs, budget, and technical requirements. There are three main types of cloud platforms available – public, private, and hybrid clouds. Here’s a brief overview of each and how to choose the right one:

  • Public Cloud: This cloud computing model provides resources and services over the internet through a third-party cloud provider. It is scalable, cost-effective, and offers a wide range of services such as compute, storage, and networking. Popular public cloud providers include AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Private Cloud: This cloud computing model uses resources and services exclusively by a single organization. It offers greater security, control, and customization than public clouds but requires a significant upfront investment and ongoing maintenance. Private clouds can be deployed on-premises or in a hosted environment.
  • Hybrid Cloud: This cloud computing model combines the features of public and private clouds. Organizations can use both public and private cloud resources to meet their business needs. It allows organizations to take advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness of public clouds while maintaining control over sensitive data and applications in a private cloud.
When selecting a cloud platform, consider the following factors:
  • Business needs: Consider your business needs and the specific requirements of your applications.
  • Budget: Consider your budget and the cost of different cloud services.
  • Technical requirements: Consider the technical requirements of your applications, such as performance, security, and compliance.

Deploying an application in the cloud requires following best practices to ensure it’s done quickly, reliably, and securely. These include automating deployment, using containers, implementing CI/CD, testing, monitoring, and ensuring security. By following these practices, you can improve the quality, reliability, and security of your application and achieve greater efficiency and agility in your development and deployment processes

  • Automate Deployment: Automating your deployment process can help you streamline your application delivery and ensure consistency across environments. Use tools like Jenkins, Ansible, or Terraform to automate deployment, reduce manual errors, and speed up the deployment process.
  • Use Containers: Containers like Docker provide a lightweight and portable way to package and deploy applications. Using containers can help you achieve consistency and portability across environments, making it easier to deploy and scale your applications.
  • Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD): CI/CD is a software development practice that helps teams to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. Implementing CI/CD pipelines can help automate the entire software development process, including building, testing, and deploying your application.
  • Test Your Application: Testing is critical to ensure that your application works as expected and meets the requirements of your users. Use automated testing tools like Selenium, JMeter, or Postman to test your application, identify bugs, and improve the overall quality of your application.
  • Monitor Your Application: Monitoring your application is essential to ensure that it is performing well and meets the expectations of your users. Use tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or CloudWatch to monitor your application’s performance, identify bottlenecks, and troubleshoot issues.
  • Ensure Security: Security should be a top priority when deploying your application in the cloud. Implement security best practices like role-based access control, network security, and data encryption to protect your application from cyber threats.


Modernizing and deploying your applications in the cloud can bring numerous benefits to your business, including scalability, flexibility, and reduced costs. However, it requires careful planning and execution to ensure a successful transition. By following best practices such as assessing your infrastructure, selecting the right cloud platform, and automating deployment, testing, and monitoring, you can ensure a reliable and secure deployment.

Businesses can also seek the help of professional cloud services providers like GoDgtl Services to assist them in their modernization and cloud deployment efforts. With our expertise in cloud architecture, development, and deployment, we can help you identify areas for improvement, select the right cloud platform, and implement best practices to ensure a successful transition. Our services also include ongoing support and monitoring to ensure your application is always up-to-date and secure.

By partnering with GoDgtl Services, you can modernize and deploy your applications in the cloud with confidence, knowing that you have a trusted partner by your side.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (