AWS Storage Services Blog

Exploring Hybrid Capabilities of AWS Storage Gateway: Bridging On-Premises and Cloud Environments

With the ever-increasing demand for cloud-based solutions, organizations are constantly striving to optimize their operations and maximize their resources. AWS Storage Gateway offers a comprehensive solution that seamlessly integrates on-premises infrastructure with the limitless potential of the cloud.

By leveraging AWS Storage Gateway, organizations can effortlessly extend their on-premises storage into the cloud, enabling them to securely store and retrieve data whenever needed. This innovative technology ensures a smooth and efficient transition, allowing businesses to take full advantage of the cloud’s scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness.

Understanding AWS Storage Gateway

AWS Storage Gateway is a highly adaptable service that serves as a crucial link between on-premises environments and AWS Cloud storage services. This remarkable solution enables organizations to effortlessly expand their on-premises data centers into the cloud, all while ensuring top-notch security. Moreover, it seamlessly integrates with various AWS storage solutions, including the renowned Amazon S3, Amazon EBS, and Amazon Glacier. By leveraging this powerful tool, businesses can attain a unified storage experience that harmoniously combines the advantages of both on-premises and cloud environments.

Key capabilities of Hybrid system

1. File Gateway

The File Gateway functionality of AWS Storage Gateway allows businesses to store files as objects in Amazon S3 buckets, which can be accessed from both on-premises environments and the cloud. This feature provides a cost-effective solution for file-based workloads by eliminating the requirement for local storage management, while offering scalable and durable storage in the cloud. File Gateway supports industry-standard file protocols, making it seamless to integrate with existing applications and workflows.

Whether you are using NFS or SMB protocols, File Gateway seamlessly integrates with your systems, ensuring a smooth transition to cloud storage.

2. Volume Gateway

For organizations requiring block-level storage, Volume Gateway offers two modes: Stored Volumes and Cached Volumes.

Stored Volumes facilitate the creation of Amazon EBS snapshots and securely store the data in Amazon S3. This approach is highly suitable for both primary data storage and disaster recovery purposes. It offers expedited access to frequently accessed data, ensuring minimal latency. Additionally, it empowers you to effortlessly generate cloud-based backups that are readily accessible whenever needed.

Cached Volumes enable the utilization of Amazon S3 as the primary data repository while simultaneously preserving frequently accessed data on a local level. This approach effectively reduces the necessity for substantial local storage, all the while ensuring the provision of low-latency performance for frequently accessed data.

3. Tape Gateway

Tape Gateway provides a smooth transition to cloud-based archival for organizations that heavily depend on tape backups. It introduces virtual tape libraries (VTLs) that utilize Amazon S3 and Amazon Glacier as cost-effective storage solutions for long-term data retention. This eliminates the hassle of managing physical tape libraries and provides the benefits of cloud scalability and durability.

With Tape Gateway, organizations can effortlessly embrace the benefits of cloud technology for their archival needs.

Benefits of AWS Storage Gateway

1. Cost Efficiency

By utilizing cloud storage, organizations can enhance cost optimization by easily adjusting storage capacity without the need for initial investments in physical hardware. Furthermore, the implementation of data tiering capabilities enables efficient storage allocation based on access patterns, ensuring the utilization of the most cost-effective storage class. This strategic approach not only streamlines expenses but also provides flexibility and scalability for businesses.

2. Scalability

AWS Storage Gateway offers the remarkable advantage of scaling your storage infrastructure without the constraints of on-premises hardware. Whether you are dealing with escalating data volumes or seasonal spikes, cloud-based storage can effortlessly cater to your requirements. This unparalleled flexibility ensures that your storage needs are met efficiently and effectively.

3. Data Protection and Disaster Recovery

Storing data in the cloud using AWS Storage Gateway significantly enhances data protection and disaster recovery capabilities. With automated backups, snapshots, and the exceptional durability of AWS storage services, your data is guaranteed to remain safe and easily recoverable.

4. Hybrid Architecture

The AWS Storage Gateway seamlessly integrates with your existing on-premises infrastructure, allowing you to effortlessly retain essential data on-site while transferring less frequently accessed data to the cloud. This enables you to maintain critical data on-site while offloading less frequently accessed data to the cloud, optimizing storage resource utilization.


AWS Storage Gateway is a robust tool that enables organizations to fully embrace the potential of hybrid cloud architectures. By seamlessly connecting on-premises environments with AWS cloud storage services, businesses can achieve cost-effective scalability, enhanced data protection, and streamlined data management. Whether you are dealing with file-based workloads, block-level storage, or tape backups, AWS Storage Gateway offers versatile solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing hybrid capabilities can strategically position your organization for success in the cloud era.

GoDgtl by Prutech is an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner offering robust cloud solutions to organizations. Our mission is to assist individuals in developing their knowledge of cloud computing and help businesses strive for greater success by implementing the best practices and expertise in the industry. Our goal is to build a strong and reliable cloud computing ecosystem by sharing valuable insights into the technological intricacies within cloud space.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

AWS Cloud Security Blog

Discover How AWS IAM Secures Your Resources and Controls Access

In the ever-evolving world of technology, safeguarding your cloud resources has become a matter of utmost importance. With the rise in data breaches and unauthorized access attempts, it is crucial to adopt a reliable security solution. This is where Amazon Web Services (AWS) steps in with its cutting-edge Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. IAM goes beyond conventional security measures, offering a comprehensive approach to effectively manage and control access to your valuable AWS resources.

Understanding AWS IAM

AWS IAM is a highly efficient web service designed to facilitate the seamless management of access to AWS resources in a secure and organized manner. With AWS IAM, you gain the ability to effortlessly create and manage users, groups, and roles, each of which can be assigned precise permissions tailored to different AWS services. This granular control ensures that users have only the necessary privileges to perform their tasks, minimizing the risk of unauthorized actions.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Centralized Access Control: IAM enables you to centralize access control across your AWS environment. With IAM, you can create policies that clearly define the actions that are either allowed or denied. These policies can then be easily attached to users, groups, or roles, ensuring that the appropriate permissions are granted without compromising the overall security of your system. By implementing IAM, you can effectively manage access to your AWS resources, providing a robust and secure environment for your users.
  • Principle of Least Privilege: IAM encourages the principle of least privilege, which entails granting users only the essential access required to carry out their tasks. By doing so, the attack surface is minimized, thereby restricting the potential harm caused by compromised accounts.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adding an extra layer of security, IAM offers support for MFA, which mandates users to provide an additional piece of information apart from their password. This feature significantly fortifies the safeguarding of sensitive resources.
  • Temporary Security Credentials: IAM enables the creation of temporary security credentials for both users and applications. This functionality proves to be exceptionally valuable in various scenarios, such as granting temporary access to external partners or services, all while avoiding the need to share long-term credentials.
  • Identity Federation: IAM supports identity federation, enabling users to sign-in using their existing corporate credentials through services like Active Directory. This simplifies user management and enhances security by eliminating the need for separate usernames and passwords.
  • Fine-Grained Permissions: AWS IAM policies are highly customizable, allowing you to define fine-grained permissions based on resource types, actions, and conditions. This flexibility ensures that you can tailor access control to your specific requirements.
  • Audit and Monitoring: IAM (Identity and Access Management) offers comprehensive logging and monitoring functionalities, enabling you to effortlessly trace the individuals who accessed specific resources and the precise timing of their actions. This audit trail proves to be of immense value when it comes to ensuring compliance and conducting thorough investigations into security incidents.
  • Access Advisor: IAM Access Advisor assists in identifying underutilized or unused permissions, enabling you to refine your policies and enhance security measures. By leveraging this tool, you can effectively identify and address any permissions that are not being fully utilized, thereby optimizing your access control policies. This not only strengthens your security posture but also ensures that permissions are aligned with the principle of least privilege. With IAM Access Advisor, you can proactively manage and fine-tune your access policies, bolstering your organization’s overall security framework.
  • Cross-Account Access: IAM also facilitates controlled access across AWS accounts. This is especially useful for organizations with multiple AWS accounts, as it allows you to manage access across accounts securely.


By implementing IAM best practices, you can rest assured that your organization’s sensitive data remains shielded from unauthorized access and potential breaches. As you embark on your journey into the cloud, it is crucial to leverage the power of IAM to fortify your security posture and maintain strict control over your resources. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) offers a robust solution by providing centralized access control, least privilege enforcement, and a range of features that bolster the security of your AWS environment.

GoDgtl has been at the forefront of delivering cutting-edge security solutions and expert advice to both established organizations and promising start-ups. We invite you to connect with us, sharing your unique requirements, so that we can craft customized, foolproof solutions that not only address your specific needs but also empower you to unlock your maximum potential.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Digital Transformation

What are the main benefits of digital services for the education industry?

With the proliferation of digital technology in every aspect of our lives, there has been a noticeable surge in the utilization of digital services in the field of education. 

According to Solutionpath, a renowned authority in digital learning, educational institutions now widely acknowledge that digitalization is crucial for fostering favorable learning experiences and empowering students with choices. Moreover, it serves as a catalyst for future innovation in teaching methods and delivery systems, ensuring the survival of educational institutions in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, where access to education has become a global service.

Traditional educational methods are gradually being replaced by innovative digital services that offer a plethora of benefits for students, educators, and institutions alike. From enhancing accessibility to promoting interactive learning, the incorporation of digital services in education is revolutionizing the way we acquire knowledge.

Enhanced Accessibility and Flexibility

One of the key advantages of digital services in education is the enhanced accessibility and flexibility they offer. Online learning platforms, virtual classrooms, and educational apps eliminate geographical limitations, enabling students from all corners of the globe to access high-quality education without being bound by physical location. This democratization of education guarantees that learners, irrespective of their backgrounds, can pursue their educational aspirations on their own terms, seamlessly integrating learning into their hectic schedules.

Personalized Learning Experiences

Digital services offer a customized approach to learning, catering to the unique needs and learning styles of each student. Adaptive learning platforms utilize data-driven insights to craft personalized learning paths, guaranteeing that every student advances at their own pace. This tailored attention not only enhances student engagement and motivation but also results in enhanced understanding and retention of the subject matter.

Interactive and Engaging Content

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, passive learning through textbooks and lectures has become obsolete. Digital services have revolutionized the education system by introducing interactive and multimedia-rich content that not only captures students’ attention but also promotes active participation. The use of videos, simulations, gamified exercises, and virtual reality experiences, have made learning an enjoyable and immersive experience, fostering a deeper understanding of complex concepts.

Real-time Assessment and Feedback

Digital services enable real-time assessment and feedback mechanisms that empower educators and students alike. Through automated quizzes, tests, and assignments, students receive instant results, enabling them to assess their progress and identify areas for improvement. Simultaneously, educators can closely monitor student performance and adapt their teaching strategies, accordingly, fostering a more effective learning process.

Global Collaboration and Networking

Collaborative tools, seamlessly integrated into digital education platforms, serve as catalysts for fostering global connections and networking opportunities. By leveraging these tools, students are empowered to collaborate on projects, actively participate in discussions, and exchange ideas with peers hailing from diverse cultural backgrounds. Consequently, they gain a profound and comprehensive understanding of various subjects, as they are exposed to a broader perspective. This invaluable cross-cultural interaction not only equips students with the necessary skills to thrive in the globalized workforce but also nurtures the development of essential teamwork and communication proficiencies.

Cost – Effectiveness

Digital services have the potential to greatly alleviate the financial strain typically associated with traditional education. E-books, online resources, and open educational materials frequently come at a lower cost compared to traditional textbooks, thereby rendering education more financially accessible for students. Additionally, the elimination of commuting expenses and the option to pursue part-time or full-time online courses can lead to substantial cost savings.

Lifelong Learning and Skill Enhancement

The dynamic nature of digital services enables individuals to engage in continuous learning and enhance their skills throughout their lives. Professionals can conveniently upskill or reskill themselves through online courses, webinars, and virtual workshops, ensuring their relevance in an ever-evolving job market. Lifelong learning becomes a tangible reality, empowering individuals to adapt to emerging technologies and trends.


Digital transformation in the classroom necessitates a cultural shift, alongside technological advancements. Educators and administrators must undergo a paradigm shift to adapt to the digitally immersed classrooms of today.

It can be challenging for educational institutions to acknowledge the need for reallocating funds from less efficient practices towards technology investments. 

GoDgtl facilitates this transition through the development of customized software and technological tools that are imperative. These tools serve as a bridge between institutions and learners, propelling us towards a brighter future.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Consulting

Explore AWS CloudTrail and CloudWatch, your partners in tracking and monitoring activities in your cloud.

Businesses are increasingly leveraging the benefits of cloud computing to take advantage of scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness to stay ahead in the competitive world.

However, as organizations migrate their infrastructure and applications to the cloud, they must also prioritize robust security, compliance, and effective management. This is where AWS CloudTrail and AWS CloudWatch come into play. These two essential AWS services work seamlessly together to provide comprehensive tracking and monitoring of activities within your cloud environment.

Understanding AWS CloudTrail

AWS CloudTrail is a service that provides detailed logs of all API calls made within your AWS account. It captures information such as the identity of the caller, the time of the call, the source IP address, and the parameters passed. These logs are invaluable for auditing, compliance, and troubleshooting purposes. By enabling CloudTrail, businesses gain a comprehensive audit trail of all activities within their cloud environment, ensuring transparency and accountability.

It records and stores API calls made on your account, such as actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, and other AWS services. This wealth of information is invaluable for security analysis, resource tracking, and compliance auditing.

Key features of AWS CloudTrail:

  • Event Logging: CloudTrail captures and logs all pertinent events, meticulously documenting the sequence of actions performed by different entities within your AWS account. This comprehensive record encompasses user activities, alterations made to resources, and system events. By diligently recording these occurrences, CloudTrail provides a valuable audit trail for your AWS environment.
  • Log File Integrity: CloudTrail ensures the integrity of log files by digitally signing and validating them, thereby providing an immutable audit trail that is resistant to tampering.
  • Multi-Region Support: It offers the capability to track events across multiple AWS regions, allowing you to monitor activities across a globally distributed infrastructure.
  • Integration with CloudWatch: CloudTrail logs can be seamlessly delivered to Amazon CloudWatch Logs, facilitating real-time monitoring, comprehensive search capabilities, and timely alerts for specific events. This integration empowers organizations with enhanced visibility and control over their cloud infrastructure, ensuring proactive management and swift response to critical incidents.

Understanding AWS CloudWatch

On the other hand, AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring service that provides real-time insights into the performance and health of your AWS resources. It collects and tracks metrics, sets alarms, and automatically reacts to changes in your AWS environment. With CloudWatch, businesses can proactively monitor their infrastructure, identify performance bottlenecks, and take timely actions to optimize resource utilization.

AWS CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service that provides insights into the operational health and performance of your AWS resources. It collects and tracks metrics, sets alarms, and visualizes operational data, helping you gain a deep understanding of your cloud environment’s behavior.

Key features of AWS CloudWatch:

  • Metrics Collection: CloudWatch collects metrics from various AWS services, such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and RDS databases, providing valuable data on resource utilization and performance.
  • Alarms and Notifications: You can set alarms based on specific thresholds or conditions. When an alarm is triggered, CloudWatch can send notifications through various channels, such as email or SMS.
  • Dashboards: CloudWatch enables you to create custom dashboards with visualizations, allowing you to monitor the metrics that matter most to your business.
  • Logs Analysis: In addition to metrics, CloudWatch allows you to collect, store, and analyze logs from various sources. This complements the functionality of CloudTrail by providing additional insight into application and system logs.

Collaboration between AWS CloudTrail and CloudWatch

While both AWS CloudTrail and CloudWatch serve distinct purposes, their collaboration enhances the overall visibility and management capabilities of your AWS environment.

  • Real-time Monitoring and Alerts: CloudTrail logs can be seamlessly delivered to CloudWatch Logs in real-time, empowering you to effortlessly configure alarms and notifications tailored to specific events. This functionality allows you to proactively respond to critical API calls or unauthorized access attempts, ensuring the security and integrity of your system. For instance, you can easily establish an alarm that instantly triggers when a critical API call is initiated, enabling you to swiftly investigate and mitigate any potential risks.
  • Correlation of Events: By combining CloudTrail logs with CloudWatch metrics and logs, you can gain a holistic view of your infrastructure’s health and activity. This correlation aids in troubleshooting issues and identifying potential security threats.
  • Compliance and Auditing: CloudTrail provides a comprehensive record of API calls, showcasing a detailed history of activities. On the other hand, CloudWatch ensures continuous monitoring and alerting, enabling proactive management of your systems. By working in tandem, these services greatly facilitate compliance audits by showcasing strict adherence to security and operational policies.
  • Resource Optimization: CloudWatch metrics assist in optimizing resource utilization, while CloudTrail enables you to track modifications and analyze their impact on your infrastructure. By leveraging CloudWatch metrics, you can effectively fine-tune your resource allocation, ensuring optimal utilization and cost-efficiency. Additionally, CloudTrail empowers you to monitor and evaluate the consequences of any alterations made to your infrastructure, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making.


In the rapidly changing cloud environment, it is of utmost importance to effectively track and monitor activities to maintain the security, compliance, and performance of your AWS environment. This is where AWS CloudTrail and CloudWatch come into play as indispensable allies, providing comprehensive insights into the operational health and behavior of your cloud infrastructure. By harnessing the power of these two services, organizations can proactively detect and respond to issues, ensure adherence to security best practices, and optimize resource utilization. This empowers them to confidently unlock the full potential of cloud computing, knowing that their operations are in capable hands.

At GoDgtl, being an Advanced Consulting partner with AWS, we are committed to providing exceptional digital transformation experiences. We pride ourselves on being a trusted provider of cloud storage, cloud managed services, DevOps services, and an esteemed partner for AWS implementation.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Security as a Service

Achieving Optimal Security: Right Sizing with FortiFlex

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, organizations are constantly challenged with the task of ensuring robust security while effectively optimizing their resources. One-size-fits-all security solutions are no longer adequate to protect against sophisticated cyberattacks. To overcome this challenge, organizations require security solutions that can adapt and scale according to their specific needs.

Fortiflex from Fortinet is a powerful security solution that is designed to assist organizations in achieving optimal security by customizing their defenses to the right size. 

Understanding the Right Sizing Approach:

The process of rightsizing security involves tailoring security measures to suit an organization’s specific requirements, risk tolerance, and available resources. It aims to strike the perfect balance between security effectiveness and operational efficiency. This approach acknowledges that not all organizations share the same security needs, and inflexible and overly complex security solutions can be both costly and unnecessary for some.

It is about finding the perfect balance between security effectiveness and operational efficiency.

FortiFlex: The Adaptive Security Solution:

FortiFlex, an innovative security solution developed by Fortinet, a renowned global leader in cybersecurity, presents a distinctive approach to safeguarding organizations. It grants them the invaluable flexibility to tailor their security infrastructure precisely to their unique requirements. With FortiFlex, organizations are empowered to select the ideal combination of security features, cutting-edge technologies, and deployment options, enabling them to construct a robust and scalable security framework.

Key Benefits of FortiFlex:

  • Cost Optimization: By adopting a right-sizing strategy with FortiFlex, organizations can avoid unnecessary expenses on excessive security measures. They can allocate their resources more efficiently, investing in the areas that truly matter for their specific security needs.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: FortiFlex empowers organizations to enhance their security operations by eliminating redundancies and prioritizing critical areas. By aligning security measures with their specific risks and priorities, organizations can achieve heightened operational efficiency. This streamlined approach enables businesses to optimize their resources and effectively mitigate potential threats, ensuring a robust security framework.
  • Scalability: As organizations grow and evolve, their security needs undergo significant changes. FortiFlex provides the necessary scalability to effectively adapt to these evolving requirements. With FortiFlex, organizations can effortlessly incorporate or modify security features as per their specific needs, thereby ensuring the maintenance of robust defenses even during expansion phases.
  • Tailored Protection: Different organizations face distinct security challenges. FortiFlex empowers organizations to choose specific security features and technologies that align with their unique risks and compliance requirements. This customized protection guarantees optimal effectiveness against targeted threats.
  • Simplified Management: FortiFlex offers a comprehensive management interface that empowers organizations to efficiently oversee their security infrastructure through a single, user-friendly dashboard. This centralized management system streamlines the administration of security policies, minimizing complexity, and enhancing overall security posture.

FortiFlex Best Practices:

  • Assess Your Security Needs: Conduct a thorough assessment of your organization’s security requirements, risks, and compliance obligations. Identify areas that require additional protection and areas where existing measures can be optimized. This will ensure a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s security landscape, enabling you to make informed decisions to enhance its protection. By conducting a comprehensive assessment, you will gain valuable insights into the specific security needs of your organization. This will allow you to identify potential vulnerabilities and risks that may pose a threat to your operations. Moreover, it will help you understand the compliance obligations that your organization must meet to ensure legal and regulatory adherence.
  • Determine Key Security Features: Evaluate FortiFlex’s extensive range of security features and technologies to determine which ones best align with your organization’s specific needs and priorities. These may include firewall protection, intrusion prevention systems, secure web gateways, endpoint security, and more. By carefully assessing and selecting the most suitable security measures, you can enhance your organization’s overall protection against potential threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Plan for Scalability: When contemplating the future growth and expansion plans of your organization, it is crucial to carefully choose a FortiFlex deployment option that can seamlessly adapt to your evolving needs. Whether you opt for an on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid solution, it is imperative to ensure that your security infrastructure can effectively expand alongside your organization. By considering the scalability of your chosen FortiFlex deployment option, you can confidently plan and accommodate the growth of your organization. This will enable you to seamlessly integrate additional resources and functionalities as your needs evolve, without compromising the security of your systems.
  • Consult with Experts: Engage with Fortinet’s security experts or certified partners who can help you design and implement the right-sized security solution. Their expertise will ensure that your FortiFlex deployment aligns with your organization’s goals and provides maximum protection.


Achieving optimal security requires a proactive and adaptable approach. By right sizing your security with FortiFlex, you can create a robust and efficient security framework tailored to your organization’s specific needs. This approach enables organizations to optimize their resources, enhance operational efficiency, and effectively defend against evolving threats. With FortiFlex, you can embrace a security strategy that fits like a glove—providing the right protection at the right scale.

GoDgtl by Prutech has a strategic partnership with Fortinet allowing it to provide updated technology solutions for its clients. GoDgtl implements robust security solutions to help organizations secure their vital assets.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Consulting

Harnessing the Cloud: Unleashing Efficiency and Scalability in the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, both businesses and individuals are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations, increase productivity, and adapt to changing demands. Cloud computing has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we access and utilize computing resources. Among its numerous benefits, the power of cloud computing lies in its ability to unlock efficiency and scalability, driving innovation and transforming industries.

Cloud computing has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes, providing a flexible and cost-effective solution for managing data and applications. By leveraging the cloud, companies can reduce their IT costs, improve their agility, and scale their operations to meet the demands of a rapidly changing market.

Moreover, cloud computing offers a range of benefits that go beyond cost savings and scalability. It enables businesses to access their data and applications from anywhere, at any time, using any device. This level of flexibility and mobility is critical in today’s globalized economy, where remote work and collaboration are becoming increasingly common.

Effective implementation of Cloud Computing

Efficiency: A Catalyst for Success

  • Traditionally, organizations had to invest significant capital in building and maintaining their own physical infrastructure. This meant purchasing servers, storage devices, and networking equipment, along with the associated costs of upkeep and upgrades. 
  • Cloud computing eliminates the need for such infrastructure by offering resources on-demand over the internet. This shift allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, instead of diverting resources towards managing complex hardware.
  • By leveraging cloud computing, businesses can optimize their computing resources and reduce costs. 
  • The ability to scale resources up or down based on demand enables organizations to pay only for what they need, eliminating wasted capacity and providing cost savings. 
  • This newfound efficiency allows businesses to allocate resources towards innovation, research, and development, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

Scalability: Flexibility for Growth

  • Scalability is a defining characteristic of cloud computing. In the past, businesses faced challenges when handling sudden spikes in demand or scaling down during slower periods.
  • Cloud service providers offer flexible options for resource allocation, allowing organizations to scale their infrastructure seamlessly. 
  • Whether it’s a startup experiencing rapid growth or an established enterprise managing seasonal fluctuations, the cloud provides the necessary elasticity to meet changing demands.
  • The ability to scale resources efficiently translates into improved customer experiences. 
  • With cloud computing, businesses can ensure their services remain available and responsive, even during periods of high traffic or increased workload. 
  • Scalability empowers organizations to deliver consistent performance and meet customer expectations, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

Enhanced Collaboration and Productivity

  • Cloud computing promotes collaboration and productivity by providing universal access to applications and data. With cloud-based solutions, teams can work together seamlessly, regardless of their physical locations. Remote work becomes easier, as employees can access files, applications, and tools from any device with an internet connection.
  • Real-time collaboration is made possible through cloud-based productivity suites, enabling multiple users to work on documents simultaneously and exchange feedback in real-time. This fosters efficient teamwork, streamlines workflows, and accelerates decision-making processes. 
  • Additionally, cloud storage and file-sharing solutions eliminate the need for cumbersome email attachments and physical storage devices, simplifying document management and enabling efficient information sharing across teams.

Business Continuity and Data Security

  • Cloud computing plays a vital role in ensuring business continuity and enhancing data security.
  • On-premises infrastructure is susceptible to hardware failures, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events that can disrupt operations. 
  • Cloud service providers typically operate from multiple data centers, ensuring redundancy and high availability. 
  • By replicating data and applications across geographically dispersed locations, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss and quickly recover from disruptions.
  • Cloud providers implement robust security measures to protect customer data. 
  • Encryption, authentication, and access controls are implemented to safeguard information from unauthorized access. 
  • Dedicated teams of security professionals continuously monitor and respond to potential threats, providing businesses with robust data protection that might exceed what they could achieve with limited resources.


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses function by unlocking unparalleled efficiency and scalability. The ability to access computing resources on-demand, scale infrastructure according to demand, and optimize resource allocation empowers organizations to streamline operations, reduce costs, and drive innovation. 

Cloud computing fosters collaboration, enhances productivity, and enables businesses to adapt to changing market dynamics. Moreover, it fortifies business continuity by providing high availability and robust data protection.

GoDgtl by Prutech enables businesses to optimize their IT expenditure by transitioning to the cloud. Our proficiency in managing cloud environments, businesses can concentrate on their core competencies while enjoying the cost benefits of a streamlined infrastructure. 

GoDgtl team of experts ensures a seamless transition to the cloud, providing businesses with a reliable and secure platform to operate on.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Consulting

The Future of Cloud: Trends and Innovations to Watch

Cloud technology is the backbone of the latest technological advancements and a trailblazer in the modern tech industry. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it has revolutionized the way businesses operate and individuals access information. 

Cloud technology enables users to store, manage, and access data and applications remotely, providing unparalleled convenience and flexibility. Its impact on the tech industry is undeniable, and it continues to shape the future of technology. As such, it is crucial for businesses and individuals alike to stay up to date with the latest cloud technology trends and developments to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

With the rapid pace of innovation in cloud technology and the increasing availability of new tools and services, Gartner predicts that global public cloud end-user spending will soar to almost $600 billion by 2023.

This forecast highlights the growing importance of cloud computing in the modern business landscape, as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of cloud-based solutions to drive growth and innovation. As such, it is essential for businesses to stay up to date with the latest cloud trends and technologies to remain competitive and achieve long-term success.

Key trends to watch in Cloud computing!

The future of cloud computing predicts several trends and developments that are expected to shape the landscape and enhance business delivery.

Hybrid and multi-cloud dominance

  • As businesses become increasingly adept at utilizing multiple cloud providers, the adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies is expected to surge. This approach enables organizations to seamlessly leverage the unique strengths and services of various providers, thereby optimizing their cloud infrastructure. 
  • By embracing this approach, businesses can achieve greater flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in their cloud operations. As such, the trend towards hybrid and multi-cloud strategies is poised to become a key driver of innovation and growth in the cloud computing industry.

Expansion of edge computing

  • The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the rapid growth and widespread adoption of interconnected devices that can communicate and exchange data with each other over the internet. 
  • As the number of IoT devices continues to increase, so does the amount of data generated by these devices. This data often needs to be processed and analyzed in real time to extract valuable insights or enable timely actions. 
  • However, transmitting all IoT data to centralized cloud data centers for processing can be impractical and inefficient due to factors like network latency, bandwidth limitations, and privacy concerns. The role of edge computing becomes evident in this context. 
  • By deploying computing resources, such as edge servers or gateways, in close proximity to the IoT devices, data can be processed locally, reducing the need for data transmission to centralized cloud data centers.

Advancements in AI and machine learning

  • Cloud providers will continue their substantial investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. 
  • Cloud providers are leveraging AI and ML to develop intelligent automatic scaling capabilities. By analyzing usage patterns, data trends, and other relevant factors, AI and ML algorithms can predict resource needs and automatically scale up or down as required.
  • Cloud providers are investing in AI and ML technologies to develop self-healing systems that can autonomously detect and resolve issues. These systems employ algorithms to continuously monitor the health and performance of cloud resources, applications, and infrastructure. If anomalies or failures are detected, the AI and ML algorithms can quickly identify the root causes and take corrective actions.
  • AI and ML capabilities are being integrated into cloud services to enable more advanced data analytics. Cloud providers are developing tools and frameworks that leverage AI algorithms to extract valuable insights, patterns, and predictions from large volumes of data.
  • Cloud providers are investing in AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) technologies to improve communication and interaction with their cloud services.
  • Cloud providers are investing in sophisticated algorithms that can accurately analyze and interpret visual and auditory data. 

Heightened focus on security

  • Cloud providers will allocate more resources towards developing and implementing robust security technologies. This includes advancements in encryption, authentication mechanisms, intrusion detection and prevention systems, threat intelligence, and security analytics. Investments will also be made in security infrastructure, such as firewalls, secure data centers, and disaster recovery systems.
  • Cloud providers will implement more stringent controls to regulate who has access to data and how it can be used. This involves enhancing identity and access management systems, implementing fine-grained access controls, and enforcing data governance policies.
  • With the growing awareness of data privacy and individual rights, cloud providers will prioritize protecting user rights within their services. This includes complying with relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other regional privacy laws.
  • Cloud providers will face increasing scrutiny regarding their security practices and overall accountability. This will drive the adoption of independent security audits, certifications, and compliance frameworks to validate the security posture of cloud services.
  • Cloud providers will actively engage with regulatory bodies and industry associations to shape security standards and best practices. They will participate in public-private partnerships to address emerging security challenges and contribute to the development of regulations and guidelines.

Enhanced Regulation

The ubiquity of cloud services has brought about a need for heightened regulatory measures. Data privacy and security concerns must be addressed to ensure the protection of user rights. By implementing these regulations, cloud providers will be held accountable for their actions, promoting a safer and more secure online environment.


Cloud computing is a powerful tool that drives innovation, growth, and transformation in various industries. Embracing its benefits is crucial for businesses to optimize operations and enhance competitiveness. Cloud adoption offers scalable computing resources, cost reduction, and improved agility. It also enables businesses to leverage advanced technologies like AI, ML, and big data analytics for valuable insights and informed decision-making. The future of cloud computing is promising, presenting opportunities for organizations to thrive.

GoDgtl by Prutech is an Advanced AWS Consulting Partner offering expertise cloud solutions for organizations across the globe. We offer customised cloud solutions through the effective implementation of the most advanced cloud technologies and help businesses stay ahead of the competitive curve.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Migration Services

Choose the best cloud migration tools to start your cloud journey

With the increase in the demand for cloud technologies, more and more organizations are realizing the benefits of moving their data and applications to the cloud. To achieve high availability and scalability, organizations are adopting remote working environments and digital transformation through cloud migration. Cloud migration has many benefits including improved scalability, flexibility, availability, and security. It reduces the operational costs and offers better business agility allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.

Types of cloud migration

The cloud migration strategy is implemented through various processes depending upon the specific need of the user. Each has its own advantages and considerations. 

The commonly implemented cloud strategies include:

Lift and Shift (Rehosting): Organizations often maintain on-premises infrastructure leading to increased operational burden, complex management issues, scalability challenges, and increased budget. To overcome this IT organizations choose Lift and Shift system of cloud migration that helps move the infrastructure to the cloud with as few changes as possible. The migration process is quick and reliable with minimum changes made to the application code.

Re-platforming: Re-platforming involves migrating the application workloads to the cloud and optimize for enhanced performance, reducing operational costs, or leverage cloud specific capabilities. 

Refactoring: This cloud migration strategy involves rebuilding or redesigning the application to take full advantage of cloud migration services. Microservices and serverless computing features are used to achieve scalability, add new features, or enhance application performance through this cloud strategy.  

Need to choose the right migration tool

Choosing the right cloud migration tool that suits specific business needs is crucial for a smooth and successful digital transition. 

  • Cloud migration tools help migrate data, applications, and infrastructure from on-premises to the cloud. 
  • The right cloud migration tool helps overcome common migration challenges such as data loss, application downtime, and security breaches. 
  • The right migration tool optimizes migration processes, reduces costs, and enhances productivity for businesses.

Factors to consider while choosing the right migration tool

Choosing the right migration tool depends on the specific needs of the organization. There are various factors to be considered while choosing the right migration tool.

  • Migration strategy
  • Application compatibility
  • Scalability and performance
  • Data migration capability
  • Automation and orchestration
  • Security and compliance
  • Monitoring and reporting
  • Reliable vendor
  • Cost considerations
  • Integration with cloud providers
  • Easy to integrate and use

Best Cloud Migration Tools:

There are many cloud migration tools available in the market, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Here are some popular cloud migration tools you can consider for starting your cloud journey.

AWS migration hub: AWS migration services are the leading migration tools for applications that rely on the database. They offer a secure environment for cloud migration and minimize downtime. This tool is designed to simplify the migration process to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provide a central location for tracking the status of multiple migrations.

Azure migration tools:  Azure migration tools automate the migration of VMs and bulk data migration. Azure supports both cloud-to-cloud migration and migration from virtual machines and physical servers. A central hub is created by the migration tool for teams to execute and track the migration process.

Google cloud migration tools: The cloud migration tool allows organizations to move data in stages, while the management tool controls the various components and orchestrates the migration.

Carbonite migration: This migration tool reduces the risk of data migration by creating a repeatable process for data migration. Teams can ensure through this tool that their workloads are running on the right platform. 

Cornet SurPaaS: The Cornet SurPaaS migration tool is helpful for enterprises looking for a Software as a Service migration process. It packages the applications as a SaaS solution and allows users to optimize their operations by balancing workloads and enables the quick transformation of on-premises applications into SaaS applications.

Cloudscape: The Cloudscape migration tool helps enterprises to understand the business data scattered across clouds and gives insights of how to move applications into the cloud. 

AppDynamics: AppDynamics migration tool helps as a monitoring solution that provides real-time monitoring of the applications. It helps in keeping the applications secure and detect any issues for a quick resolution.

ScienceLogic: It is an automated cloud migration platform that provides complete visibility into the migration process. Its user interface helps teams to analyze data with actionable insights to identify and resolve issues quickly.

Case study

Cloud migration allows organizations to enhance performance, provides scalability, and reduces the overall cost of maintaining the infrastructure.

  1. Golftripz: As an event organizing enterprise Golftripz offers golf holiday experiences to golfers around the world. To deliver world-class services they needed a reliable and stable platform to support its growing customer base. Golftripz implemented the best AWS cloud migration tools that included automatic scaling and predictive scaling enhancing their customer services. Implementing the right set of cloud migration tools helped them to achieve cost-efficiency and enhanced performance.
  2. Skandhanshi: Skandhanshi Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd. is a real estate company offering services through advanced technology implementation to customers. Skandhanshi successfully migrated their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud by implementing cloud migration tools. They achieved enhanced website performance, regular monitoring, scalability, and a secure environment.

GoDgtl by Prutech, an Advanced AWS partner helped Golftripz and Skandhanshi realize their cloud migration journey with the implementation of right cloud migration tools.


While opting for cloud migration tools it is necessary for organizations to choose the one that best suits the specific needs. The migration tool should be easy to integrate with the infrastructure, easy to use, and cost-effective. 

GoDgtl by Prutech helps organizations with a smooth migration process ensuring zero data loss, faster cloud operationalization, cost-effective, reduced downtime, and a fully secure cloud environment through the implementation of the right set of cloud migration tools.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Consulting

Benefits of Disaster Recovery Solution in Cloud Computing

Disaster recovery involves data backup and recovery services for an organization’s IT infrastructure. With the increasing reliance on cloud computing, it’s important to have a disaster recovery plan that specifically addresses the cloud environment.

Disaster recovery planning is essential for the safety of crucial digital data of an organisation. A disaster can cause considerable loss financially and reputation-wise for organisations across the world.  It is, therefore, necessary to have a recovery plan for retrieving important data in the event of an unforeseen condition. The goal of disaster recovery is to minimize downtime and data loss and ensure business continuity.

In a cloud computing environment, disaster recovery typically involves replicating data and applications to a secondary location. The secondary location could be another cloud provider’s data center or an on-premises data center. The replication ensures that in the event of a disaster, the secondary location has the most up-to-date data and applications to continue operations.

Advantages of effective disaster recovery solution in the cloud

Scalability: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing business needs. This means that organizations can quickly and easily adjust their disaster recovery resources to ensure preparedness for potential disasters.

Cost-effectiveness: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions are typically more cost-effective than traditional recovery solutions. This is because organizations only pay for the resources they need, rather than investing in expensive hardware and infrastructure.

Accessibility: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that organizations can quickly and easily recover their data and applications from any location, which is especially important in the event of a disaster.

Reliability: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions are designed to be highly reliable and available. This means that organizations can trust that their data and applications will be available when they need them most. The well-designed network architecture ensures that any errors and issues are identified and resolved quickly. The cloud service provider offers 24×7 support and maintenance for the hardware and software resources of the cloud storage.

Security: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions typically offer robust security features to protect against cyber threats and data breaches. This can help organizations avoid costly downtime and reputation damage.

Backup and recovery: The backup and recovery system can be automated through cloud computing. The services can also be used on a pay-as-use basis. Cloud disaster recovery includes the recovery of the entire server as a single entity. This includes the operating system, applications, patches, and data into a single virtual server. This server can be easily copied onto the off-site data center or used as a virtual host for immediate use. The data from the virtual server can be accessed, copied, or migrated from one data center to another within less time.


Disaster recovery in cloud computing is critical to ensuring business continuity. By leveraging cloud-based disaster recovery solutions, organizations can ensure that they are prepared for potential disasters and can quickly recover their critical data and applications in the event of an outage or disruption. By implementing regular backups, automating disaster recovery, and testing the disaster recovery plan regularly, organizations can ensure that their cloud environment is prepared for any potential disasters.

GoDgtl by Prutech is always at the forefront of providing reliable disaster recovery through end-to-end cloud security solutions. Our expertise in offering customised security solutions have helped organisations implement a robust disaster recovery strategy for their cloud infrastructure.   

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (