AWS Cloud Security Case Studies

Case Study | HealthGrow: Elevating Performance and Cutting Costs with GoDgtl’s AWS Solutions

HealthGrow is an innovative healthcare platform that offers a comprehensive suite of healthcare services on a single platform. With a vision to serve people with the motto “Health in your hands,” HealthGrow utilizes the latest technology solutions to provide advanced healthcare services.

The Challenge

HealthGrow faced several critical challenges with their initial on-premises infrastructure:

  • Performance Issues:The application was frequently experiencing performance bottlenecks. Their infrastructure was spread across multiple servers, which complicated data management and led to significant performance issues.
  • Data Integrity: Maintaining data integrity was a significant challenge. Data was spread across various servers, making it difficult to manage and leading to frequent maintenance issues.
  • Security Threats: HealthGrow’s platform was vulnerable to security threats such as DDoS attacks and HTTPS flood attacks. These vulnerabilities exposed the platform to potential risks and breaches.
  • Scalability and Compatibility: The existing infrastructure lacked essential scalability and compatibility features. This limitation hindered the platform’s ability to grow and adapt to increasing user demands.
  • High Maintenance Costs: The complexity of the on-premises infrastructure led to increased maintenance costs. Frequent security breaches added to the financial burden and made it difficult to ensure consistent performance and security.

The Solution

GoDgtl by Prutech provided a robust and comprehensive solution through the implementation of various AWS cloud services. The solution involved migrating HealthGrow’s infrastructure to Amazon EC2 for optimized performance and high availability.

Key components of the solution included:

  • Amazon EC2: Provided optimized, scalable compute capacity at low cost through hourly-based On-Demand pricing. EC2 Autoscaling ensured higher availability by automatically adjusting instances based on demand.
  • Cloud Migration: Comprehensive migration of applications and databases to AWS Compute services, ensuring seamless site-to-site VPNs, data migrations, and enhanced security.
  • Security Enhancements: Implementation of AWS Identity Access Management (IAM) for secure access control, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for isolated network environments.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Use of Amazon CloudWatch to monitor application performance, track metrics, and manage log files.

Additional security measures included PCI compliance, system patching, backup solutions, and a dedicated team for cloud operations.


The implementation of GoDgtl’s solution delivered significant improvements for HealthGrow:

  • Optimized Compute Capacity: Utilized Amazon EC2 for Windows to secure and scalable compute resources, optimizing resource use and reducing costs. Enhanced Security: Achieved a robust security posture through the implementation of IAM, MFA, WAF, VPC, and KMS.
  • Scalability: Enabled dynamic scaling of applications with EC2 Autoscaling, allowing the platform to grow and adapt to user demands.
  • PCI Compliance: Ensured compliance and protection against malicious activities, enhancing overall security.
  • Improved Performance Monitoring: Continuous monitoring through CloudWatch allowed for real-time log stream collection, performance tracking, and prompt issue resolution.
  • Cost Optimization: Dedicated cloud analysts identified opportunities for cost savings, making the infrastructure more economical.
  • Backup Support: Provided reliable backup solutions for cloud data, ensuring data integrity and availability.

By partnering with GoDgtl and leveraging AWS cloud services, HealthGrow successfully transformed its infrastructure. The migration and implementation of advanced AWS services resulted in enhanced security, scalability, and performance. HealthGrow is now well-equipped to focus on its core mission of delivering top-tier healthcare services, truly putting “Health in your hands.”

About GoDgtl

GoDgtl by PruTech is an Advanced Consulting Partner of AWS. Through our innovative and customized cloud services, we help our customers to design, architect, build, migrate, and manage their workloads and applications on cloud, accelerating their journey to the cloud. We offer cost-effective and secure cloud solutions through the effective implementation of the latest cloud technologies and processes that are highly scalable and compatible with changing market demands.

Our cloud managed services are offered through a holistic approach to the cloud

Blog Security as a Service

Cyber Security Risk Assessment Solutions for overall protection of organizational assets

In today’s digital age, organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on information technology and information systems to conduct their business operations. While this technology has brought many benefits, it has also created a new set of challenges in the form of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. 

With the increasing sophistication of cyber criminals, organizations face an ever-growing risk of cyber attacks that can cause significant harm to their critical assets, including financial loss, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. 

In order to manage these risks effectively, organizations need to adopt a comprehensive cyber security risk assessment approach that helps them identify, analyze, and prioritize the risks associated with their IT infrastructure and digital assets. By doing so, organizations can take timely and proactive action to protect their assets and ensure the continuity of their business operations. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of cyber security risk assessment for organizations and discuss the various solutions that can help them achieve overall protection of their organizational assets.

Types of Cyber Risks:

  • Data Breaches: Unauthorized access to sensitive data can lead to financial loss, reputational damage, and legal penalties.
  • Ransomware: Malware that encrypts data and demands a ransom to restore access to it can cause disruption to operations and financial loss.
  • Phishing: Fraudulent emails or messages that trick users into providing sensitive information can lead to data breaches or malware infections.
  • Malware: Malicious software designed to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to systems and data.
  • Cyberattacks: Intentional exploitation of vulnerabilities in systems and networks to cause damage or gain unauthorized access to data.

Impact on organizations:

  • Financial loss: Due to system downtime, loss of revenue, or legal penalties.
  • Reputational damage: Due to loss of trust and credibility with customers, partners, and stakeholders.
  • Operational disruption: Due to system downtime, loss of data, or compromised systems.
  • Legal penalties: Due to non-compliance with data protection regulations or breach of contractual obligations.
  • Intellectual property theft: Loss of proprietary information or trade secrets can give competitors an unfair advantage.

Importance of cyber risk assessment:

  • Helps identify and prioritize potential risks to organizational assets.
  • Provides a roadmap for implementing security measures and reducing the impact of potential risks.
  • Helps ensure compliance with data protection regulations and contractual obligations.
  • Enables proactive management of cyber risks rather than reacting to incidents after they occur.
  • Helps build trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to security and protecting sensitive data.

Cyber security risk assessment is a crucial component of an organization’s risk management strategy as it allows them to identify and address potential risks related to cyber threats. This is especially important in today’s digital age, where organizations are increasingly dependent on information technology and information systems.

To carry out a cyber security risk assessment, a five-step process is typically followed:

  • Scope: The first step involves determining the scope of the assessment, which could include a particular business unit, location, or aspect of the business such as a website or application. Inputs from all stakeholders should be considered to identify the most critical assets and processes and define the organization’s risk tolerance level.
  • Risk identification: The second step involves identifying assets that are vulnerable to cyber risks such as data breaches, ransomware, phishing, malware, and cyberattacks. It is necessary to create an inventory of all physical and logical assets and identify potential threats that may cause harm to the organization’s infrastructure.
  • Risk analysis: The next step is to analyze the amount of harm a potential threat would cause to the assets. This involves assessing the likelihood of a data breach and the internal and external vulnerabilities.
  • Risk evaluation: Once the risks have been identified and analyzed, they need to be evaluated to determine their level of risk. This involves considering the level of risk, transferring the risk to third parties, or mitigating the risk by implementing reliable security measures to reduce the impact.
  • Documentation: Finally, all risk scenarios should be registered and updated regularly to ensure proper management of the risks.

By following this five-step process, organizations can identify, prioritize, and address potential cyber risks, which helps reduce security incidents and avoid compliance issues.

Prioritizing Risks:

After identifying and analyzing cyber risks, organizations need to prioritize them to determine which risks are the most critical and require immediate attention. There are three ways to prioritize risks:

  • Level of Risk: Organizations need to evaluate the severity of the risk and determine whether the potential impact outweighs the benefits of continuing an activity. If the risk factor is higher than the potential benefits, it is best to discontinue the activity altogether.
  • Transfer: In some cases, organizations may decide to transfer the risk to a third party through insurance or outsourcing. This means that the third party will be responsible for managing the risk and its potential impact.
  • Mitigate: Organizations can implement security measures to reduce the impact of the risk. These measures can include implementing security protocols, increasing employee training, or investing in cybersecurity software.

By prioritizing risks based on the level of risk, whether the risk can be transferred to third parties, or whether the risk can be mitigated, organizations can better manage their cybersecurity risks and protect their assets.

Registering Risk Scenarios:

Documenting all identified risk scenarios and regularly reviewing and updating them is crucial in ensuring proper management of risks. By doing so, organizations can:

  • Maintain an up-to-date inventory of assets and processes that are vulnerable to cyber threats.
  • Monitor changes in the threat landscape and update risk assessments accordingly.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of risk mitigation strategies and make necessary adjustments.
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards.
  • Provide a record of risk management activities to stakeholders, such as regulators, auditors, and customers.
  • Enable informed decision-making by senior management and other stakeholders based on accurate and current risk information.

Overall, documenting and regularly reviewing risk scenarios helps organizations stay proactive in managing risks and better protect their assets from cyber threats.

Cyber security risk assessment solutions can help improve an organization’s security of critical assets in several ways.

  • First, they provide a comprehensive view of an organization’s entire digital attack surface, enabling them to identify and prioritize the most critical assets and processes that need protection. This helps organizations understand the potential impact of a cyber-attack and take appropriate measures to prevent or mitigate it.
  • Second, cyber security risk assessment solutions help organizations identify and assess various types of risks, including those related to information assets, data breaches, and internal and external vulnerabilities. By analyzing these risks, organizations can develop a risk management strategy that aligns with their business objectives and risk tolerance levels.
  • Third, cyber security risk assessment solutions help organizations prioritize risks based on their level of risk, whether they can be transferred to third parties, or whether they can be mitigated by implementing reliable security measures. This helps organizations allocate resources effectively and efficiently to protect their most critical assets.
  • Fourth, cyber security risk assessment solutions enable organizations to document all risk scenarios and regularly review and update them to ensure proper management of risks. This helps organizations stay up-to-date with the latest cyber threats and vulnerabilities and adapt their risk management strategies accordingly.

Overall, cyber security risk assessment solutions play a crucial role in improving an organization’s security of critical assets by providing a comprehensive and systematic approach to identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating cyber risks.


In today’s world, organizations face a variety of cyber risks that can significantly impact their operations and reputation. Cyber security risk assessment is a crucial part of an organization’s risk management strategy that helps identify and prioritize potential risks, evaluate their potential impact, and implement measures to mitigate them. 

By following a five-step process that includes scope, risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, and documentation, organizations can create a comprehensive risk management plan that addresses their unique needs and risks. 

Regularly updating and reviewing the assessment process is essential to keep up with the evolving cyber threat landscape and ensure that critical assets remain secure. Ultimately, by investing in cyber security risk assessment solutions, organizations can improve their overall security posture, protect their critical assets, and minimize the risk of a potential cyberattack.

If you’re looking for professional cybersecurity risk assessment solutions, Godgtl Services can help. Their experienced team can assist in identifying and mitigating potential risks to your organization’s critical assets, ensuring you have the best protection possible against cyber threats.

To learn more, contact us Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (


Combat Digital Challenges with Cloud & Cybersecurity

Due to the emergence of the pandemic, the concept of the workplace has now become obsolete. Data is not stored in devices nor is kept safe in the company’s files. Rather, it is safeguarded on the cloud. The pace of cybercrime continues to pose a threat to security teams and strategies should be checked regularly. At this stage, cybersecurity has a vital role to play for cloud and DevOps consulting.

Cloud security and cyber security are the need of the hour for all businesses, and that has some integrated digital challenges too. Let’s see what are they in detail:

Credential and access management

Common threats in both cloud and security management can be credential and access issues due to one or many reasons below:

  • Weak passwords are the primary reason for the attacks
  • Lack of multi-factor authentication
  • Absence of password, automated cryptographic key, and certificate rotation
  • Mishandling of Excessive admin accounts, zombie accounts, credentials, and users bypassing IAM controls are also more reasons.

In these cases, you can do the following:

  • paying extra attention to data that is accessible from the internet;
  • defining the company vision of data and the impact of its loss; and
  • creating and implementing a strong attack response plan

Insecure interfaces and APIs

The exposed components of a cloud environment are the CSP UIs along with APIs. The safety of a cloud service begins with how these are kept to be protected, and it is the duty of both consumers and consumer support checkpoints. Security should be integrated, & the businesses must be quick and efficient in managing the threats.

We recommend following the below tips:

  • defining value of the data and the result of its loss;
  • protecting data via encryption; and
  • having a strong, well-tested incident response plan.

Cloud attacks

Cloud hacking, which is one of the most difficult threats to tackle in cyber security for businesses, is becoming a commonplace incident. It is mostly committed to acquiring competitor data.

We recommend taking these steps:

  • conducting security awareness training;
  • fixing misconfigured cloud servers; and
  • restricting access to critical systems.
  • Take advice on AWS consulting services.

Phishing attack

Phishing is sending false communications to steal information, which seemingly comes from a reliable source. Other resources like login credentials and credit card identity can also be stolen through phishing. And it is done through various ways, such as shopping and even illegal money transfer. It is one of the major challenges of both cyber security and the cloud.

We recommend doing the following:

  • monitoring employee cloud use; and
  • using cloud data loss prevention technologies.

Account Hijacking

The exposure of a cloud account to hackers is critical to this operation. It can also be subject to weak maintenance, or administration of a cloud account environment. If these accounts are hacked, massive data loss can occur. Various reasons lead to account hijacking:

  • Phishing
  • Weak or stolen credentials
  • Improper coding
  • Account compromise

We recommend doing the following as the first action:

  • Remembering that password reset cannot stop account hijacking; and
  • using defense-in-depth and IAM controls.

To learn more about our cloud consulting services, visit our Services page.