Blog Cloud Consulting

Harnessing the Cloud: Unleashing Efficiency and Scalability in the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, both businesses and individuals are constantly seeking ways to streamline operations, increase productivity, and adapt to changing demands. Cloud computing has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we access and utilize computing resources. Among its numerous benefits, the power of cloud computing lies in its ability to unlock efficiency and scalability, driving innovation and transforming industries.

Cloud computing has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes, providing a flexible and cost-effective solution for managing data and applications. By leveraging the cloud, companies can reduce their IT costs, improve their agility, and scale their operations to meet the demands of a rapidly changing market.

Moreover, cloud computing offers a range of benefits that go beyond cost savings and scalability. It enables businesses to access their data and applications from anywhere, at any time, using any device. This level of flexibility and mobility is critical in today’s globalized economy, where remote work and collaboration are becoming increasingly common.

Effective implementation of Cloud Computing

Efficiency: A Catalyst for Success

  • Traditionally, organizations had to invest significant capital in building and maintaining their own physical infrastructure. This meant purchasing servers, storage devices, and networking equipment, along with the associated costs of upkeep and upgrades. 
  • Cloud computing eliminates the need for such infrastructure by offering resources on-demand over the internet. This shift allows businesses to focus on their core competencies, instead of diverting resources towards managing complex hardware.
  • By leveraging cloud computing, businesses can optimize their computing resources and reduce costs. 
  • The ability to scale resources up or down based on demand enables organizations to pay only for what they need, eliminating wasted capacity and providing cost savings. 
  • This newfound efficiency allows businesses to allocate resources towards innovation, research, and development, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

Scalability: Flexibility for Growth

  • Scalability is a defining characteristic of cloud computing. In the past, businesses faced challenges when handling sudden spikes in demand or scaling down during slower periods.
  • Cloud service providers offer flexible options for resource allocation, allowing organizations to scale their infrastructure seamlessly. 
  • Whether it’s a startup experiencing rapid growth or an established enterprise managing seasonal fluctuations, the cloud provides the necessary elasticity to meet changing demands.
  • The ability to scale resources efficiently translates into improved customer experiences. 
  • With cloud computing, businesses can ensure their services remain available and responsive, even during periods of high traffic or increased workload. 
  • Scalability empowers organizations to deliver consistent performance and meet customer expectations, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

Enhanced Collaboration and Productivity

  • Cloud computing promotes collaboration and productivity by providing universal access to applications and data. With cloud-based solutions, teams can work together seamlessly, regardless of their physical locations. Remote work becomes easier, as employees can access files, applications, and tools from any device with an internet connection.
  • Real-time collaboration is made possible through cloud-based productivity suites, enabling multiple users to work on documents simultaneously and exchange feedback in real-time. This fosters efficient teamwork, streamlines workflows, and accelerates decision-making processes. 
  • Additionally, cloud storage and file-sharing solutions eliminate the need for cumbersome email attachments and physical storage devices, simplifying document management and enabling efficient information sharing across teams.

Business Continuity and Data Security

  • Cloud computing plays a vital role in ensuring business continuity and enhancing data security.
  • On-premises infrastructure is susceptible to hardware failures, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events that can disrupt operations. 
  • Cloud service providers typically operate from multiple data centers, ensuring redundancy and high availability. 
  • By replicating data and applications across geographically dispersed locations, organizations can minimize the risk of data loss and quickly recover from disruptions.
  • Cloud providers implement robust security measures to protect customer data. 
  • Encryption, authentication, and access controls are implemented to safeguard information from unauthorized access. 
  • Dedicated teams of security professionals continuously monitor and respond to potential threats, providing businesses with robust data protection that might exceed what they could achieve with limited resources.


Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses function by unlocking unparalleled efficiency and scalability. The ability to access computing resources on-demand, scale infrastructure according to demand, and optimize resource allocation empowers organizations to streamline operations, reduce costs, and drive innovation. 

Cloud computing fosters collaboration, enhances productivity, and enables businesses to adapt to changing market dynamics. Moreover, it fortifies business continuity by providing high availability and robust data protection.

GoDgtl by Prutech enables businesses to optimize their IT expenditure by transitioning to the cloud. Our proficiency in managing cloud environments, businesses can concentrate on their core competencies while enjoying the cost benefits of a streamlined infrastructure. 

GoDgtl team of experts ensures a seamless transition to the cloud, providing businesses with a reliable and secure platform to operate on.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Consulting

The Future of Cloud: Trends and Innovations to Watch

Cloud technology is the backbone of the latest technological advancements and a trailblazer in the modern tech industry. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it has revolutionized the way businesses operate and individuals access information. 

Cloud technology enables users to store, manage, and access data and applications remotely, providing unparalleled convenience and flexibility. Its impact on the tech industry is undeniable, and it continues to shape the future of technology. As such, it is crucial for businesses and individuals alike to stay up to date with the latest cloud technology trends and developments to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

With the rapid pace of innovation in cloud technology and the increasing availability of new tools and services, Gartner predicts that global public cloud end-user spending will soar to almost $600 billion by 2023.

This forecast highlights the growing importance of cloud computing in the modern business landscape, as organizations seek to leverage the benefits of cloud-based solutions to drive growth and innovation. As such, it is essential for businesses to stay up to date with the latest cloud trends and technologies to remain competitive and achieve long-term success.

Key trends to watch in Cloud computing!

The future of cloud computing predicts several trends and developments that are expected to shape the landscape and enhance business delivery.

Hybrid and multi-cloud dominance

  • As businesses become increasingly adept at utilizing multiple cloud providers, the adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies is expected to surge. This approach enables organizations to seamlessly leverage the unique strengths and services of various providers, thereby optimizing their cloud infrastructure. 
  • By embracing this approach, businesses can achieve greater flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness in their cloud operations. As such, the trend towards hybrid and multi-cloud strategies is poised to become a key driver of innovation and growth in the cloud computing industry.

Expansion of edge computing

  • The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the rapid growth and widespread adoption of interconnected devices that can communicate and exchange data with each other over the internet. 
  • As the number of IoT devices continues to increase, so does the amount of data generated by these devices. This data often needs to be processed and analyzed in real time to extract valuable insights or enable timely actions. 
  • However, transmitting all IoT data to centralized cloud data centers for processing can be impractical and inefficient due to factors like network latency, bandwidth limitations, and privacy concerns. The role of edge computing becomes evident in this context. 
  • By deploying computing resources, such as edge servers or gateways, in close proximity to the IoT devices, data can be processed locally, reducing the need for data transmission to centralized cloud data centers.

Advancements in AI and machine learning

  • Cloud providers will continue their substantial investments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. 
  • Cloud providers are leveraging AI and ML to develop intelligent automatic scaling capabilities. By analyzing usage patterns, data trends, and other relevant factors, AI and ML algorithms can predict resource needs and automatically scale up or down as required.
  • Cloud providers are investing in AI and ML technologies to develop self-healing systems that can autonomously detect and resolve issues. These systems employ algorithms to continuously monitor the health and performance of cloud resources, applications, and infrastructure. If anomalies or failures are detected, the AI and ML algorithms can quickly identify the root causes and take corrective actions.
  • AI and ML capabilities are being integrated into cloud services to enable more advanced data analytics. Cloud providers are developing tools and frameworks that leverage AI algorithms to extract valuable insights, patterns, and predictions from large volumes of data.
  • Cloud providers are investing in AI-powered natural language processing (NLP) technologies to improve communication and interaction with their cloud services.
  • Cloud providers are investing in sophisticated algorithms that can accurately analyze and interpret visual and auditory data. 

Heightened focus on security

  • Cloud providers will allocate more resources towards developing and implementing robust security technologies. This includes advancements in encryption, authentication mechanisms, intrusion detection and prevention systems, threat intelligence, and security analytics. Investments will also be made in security infrastructure, such as firewalls, secure data centers, and disaster recovery systems.
  • Cloud providers will implement more stringent controls to regulate who has access to data and how it can be used. This involves enhancing identity and access management systems, implementing fine-grained access controls, and enforcing data governance policies.
  • With the growing awareness of data privacy and individual rights, cloud providers will prioritize protecting user rights within their services. This includes complying with relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other regional privacy laws.
  • Cloud providers will face increasing scrutiny regarding their security practices and overall accountability. This will drive the adoption of independent security audits, certifications, and compliance frameworks to validate the security posture of cloud services.
  • Cloud providers will actively engage with regulatory bodies and industry associations to shape security standards and best practices. They will participate in public-private partnerships to address emerging security challenges and contribute to the development of regulations and guidelines.

Enhanced Regulation

The ubiquity of cloud services has brought about a need for heightened regulatory measures. Data privacy and security concerns must be addressed to ensure the protection of user rights. By implementing these regulations, cloud providers will be held accountable for their actions, promoting a safer and more secure online environment.


Cloud computing is a powerful tool that drives innovation, growth, and transformation in various industries. Embracing its benefits is crucial for businesses to optimize operations and enhance competitiveness. Cloud adoption offers scalable computing resources, cost reduction, and improved agility. It also enables businesses to leverage advanced technologies like AI, ML, and big data analytics for valuable insights and informed decision-making. The future of cloud computing is promising, presenting opportunities for organizations to thrive.

GoDgtl by Prutech is an Advanced AWS Consulting Partner offering expertise cloud solutions for organizations across the globe. We offer customised cloud solutions through the effective implementation of the most advanced cloud technologies and help businesses stay ahead of the competitive curve.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

AWS Services and Solutions Blog

Benefits of AWS ElastiCache – A fully managed Caching service by Amazon

Caching involves the storing of a subset of data onto a high-speed data storage layer. It helps in processing the requests for that particular data faster by accessing the data’s primary storage location. It is useful to retrieve previously used data efficiently.

AWS ElastiCache is a fully managed caching service by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides an in-memory caching solution for cloud-based applications, allowing them to quickly retrieve data without having to query a database every time. Through AWS ElastiCache, web applications can access and store data more quickly due to the managed in-memory data store capabilities.

The two popular open-source caching engines supported by Elasticache include: Memcached and Redis. Memcached is a simple, high-performance, and distributed memory object caching system, while Redis is a more advanced key-value data store that supports data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Key performance measures associated with Redis or Memcached nodes are easily tracked using Amazon ElastiCache. 

Benefits of AWS ElastiCache

  • Extreme performance: As the data is stored on a sub layer, accessing data i,e. reading data from in-memory cache is faster which improves the overall performance of the application. ElastiCache consists of end-to-end hardware and software stack for faster performance.
  • Highly secure: Amazon ElastiCache simplifies the architecture while maintaining security boundaries and take advantage of granular access control to manage groups. By continuously monitoring the Redis open-source code, firmware and operating system, it is possible to detect security vulnerabilities and maintain a secure environment.
  • Reduce load at the backend: ElastiCache reduces the load on the database and protect it from slower performance under load, or even crashing at times of spikes.  
  • Reduce database cost: Cache includes hundreds of thousands of instances in a single cache instance that replaces several database instances. It helps in reducing the overall cost for primary database. 
  • Provides scalability: Amazon ElastiCache allows easily scale the data as the application grows. One of its main features is the capability to scale-in and scale-out an online cluster without disrupting Redis performance, responding smoothly to fluctuating workload demands.   
  • Fully managed service: Amazon ElastiCache does not need any hardware provisioning, software patching, setup configuration, failure recovery, monitoring, and backups. 
  • Integration with other AWS services: ElastiCache integrates seamlessly with other AWS services such as Amazon RDS, Amazon EC2, and AWS Lambda. This allows users to build and deploy their applications quickly and easily.


Amazon ElastiCache provides a resilient system that mitigates the risk of overloaded databases, which slow website and application load times, by automatically detecting and replacing failed nodes. Amazon Management Console along with Amazon ElastiCache allows adding an in-memory layer to the infrastructure in a matter of minutes.

 GoDgtl is implementing AWS solutions for enhancing web services. Choose GoDgtl for reliable cloud migration and consultation services to ensure seamless integration of your valuable data into the cloud.    

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

AWS Services and Solutions Blog

Audio-To-Text Automated Conversion Using AWS Transcribe

Audio-to-text conversion includes the conversion of an audio file to text file. This conversion of audio-to-text is done for analysis purposes and to get the essential data. 

There are several software tools available in the market that help in the easy conversion of speech to text.  

AWS Transcribe

The AWS (Amazon Web Service) Transcribe is an Automatic Speech Recognition (SAR) service by Amazon that detects speech from an audio or video file, audio stream, or from an audio of a computer’s microphone.

AWS Transcribe generates time-stamped text transcripts from audio files that is a managed and automatic speech recognition service. It allows adding audio-to-text files to applications. AWS Transcribe has removed the low level of accuracy that was earlier provided by trained Transcribers. 

AWS Transcribe is implemented through advanced machine learning technologies for transcription.

AWS Transcribe is used for the following purposes:

  • Advertising
  • Voice Analytics
  • Media Entertainment
  • Search Compliance

There are many APIs available in the AWS Transcribe that allows for automation of converting audio files to text files. AWS Transcribe does not send the output in the same request as a response. The transcription job takes some time depending on the size of the file. 

During the transcription process the developer has to check whether the Transcribe job is complete or if any triggers are needed to identify the status of the job. The AWS Transcribe uses the S3 bucket to transcribe the MP3 file that is uploaded. Lambda will be triggered and upon execution of this lambda the text file containing the transcribed audio files is available in the S3 bucket. This transcribed text is then used as per the specific business requirements for further analysis and processing. This text can also be used for translation into different languages using the AWS Translate service.

Basic steps to follow for using AWS Transcribe

  1. Upload your audio file to an S3 bucket: AWS Transcribe requires your audio files to be stored in an S3 bucket. You can use the AWS S3 console or any S3 compatible tools to upload your audio file.
  2. Create a transcription job: Once your audio file is uploaded, you can create a transcription job using the AWS Transcribe console or the AWS CLI. You will need to specify the location of your audio file, the language of the audio, and other settings such as the format of the output file.
  1. Monitor the transcription job: AWS Transcribe will process your audio file and generate a text transcript. You can monitor the progress of the transcription job using the AWS Transcribe console or the AWS CLI.
  2. Retrieve the text transcript: Once the transcription job is complete, you can retrieve the text transcript from the output location you specified during step 2.

Key features of AWS Transcribe

  • It helps recognize multiple speakers in an audio clip.
  • Allows to Transcribe separate Audio channels.
  • Transcribes streaming audio that includes real time sound to text. 
  • Identifies custom vocabulary like EC2, S3, Names, Industry terms.
  • It supports telephony audio with high accuracy.
  • A timestamp for each word is generated for easy locating in the recorded audio.


AWS Transcribe is an automated process used for conversion of audio to text files. AWS Transcribe is a powerful tool that can save you time and effort in transcribing your audio files. It is particularly useful for businesses or organizations that need to transcribe large volumes of audio files.

GoDgtl by Prutech is partnered with AWS for providing AWS Transcribe services for quality Audio-to-text automated conversions. Our expertise in various AWS cloud services helps organizations to enhance their business delivery and achieve desired goals.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

AWS Cloud Security Blog

Ways to improve Cloud Security in the Healthcare Sector

As healthcare organizations continue to embrace cloud computing technology, the issue of cloud security has become increasingly important. Cloud security refers to a set of policies, technologies, and controls that are implemented to safeguard data, applications, and infrastructure hosted in the cloud from unauthorized access, theft, and cyberattacks. Given the highly confidential and sensitive nature of the data that the healthcare sector handles, cloud security is of particular concern.

Before transitioning to the cloud, healthcare organizations must understand the significance of cloud security in healthcare, the potential risks associated with cloud computing in healthcare, and the best practices for ensuring cloud security in the healthcare sector. By doing so, they can ensure that their data is protected and that they follow relevant regulations and standards.

In today’s digital age, it is essential for healthcare organizations to prioritize cloud security to safeguard their patients’ sensitive information. By implementing robust cloud security measures, healthcare organizations can ensure that their data is secure and that they are providing the highest level of care to their patients.

Why is Cloud Security Important in Healthcare?

Healthcare organizations are among the top targets for cybercriminals because of the high value of the data they hold. Medical records, patient information, and personal data are vital resources. The move towards digitalization has made it easier for hackers to access this data, and the use of cloud computing has only increased this risk. A breach of patient data can lead to identity theft, medical identity theft, financial loss, and even legal action against the healthcare organization.

Furthermore, healthcare organizations face a regulatory environment that requires them to ensure the privacy and security of patient data. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act set out strict regulations for the handling of patient data. Healthcare organizations that fail to meet these regulations face significant fines and legal penalties.

Risks Associated with Cloud Computing in Healthcare

The primary risks associated with cloud computing for the healthcare industry include availability, confidentiality, data integrity, network security, control, real-time information sharing, and robust backup.

The common challenges healthcare sector faces due to cloud adoption include: 

  • Data Breaches – Cloud computing increases the risk of data breaches because of the increased number of access points and the potential for weak security controls.
  • Data Loss – Cloud computing providers can experience outages or data loss, leading to the loss of critical patient data.
  • Insider Threats – Cloud computing providers have access to the healthcare organization’s data, creating a risk of insider threats.
  • Compliance Violations – Healthcare organizations must comply with HIPAA and HITECH regulations, and any failure to do so can result in significant fines.

Best Practices for Ensuring Cloud Security in Healthcare

Choose a Cloud Provider with a Strong Security Record: – Healthcare organizations should work with cloud providers that have a strong security record and can provide evidence of their security measures.

Use Encryption: – All data transmitted between the healthcare organization and the cloud provider should be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

Implement Access Controls: – Healthcare organizations should implement access controls to ensure that only authorized users can access patient data.

Regularly Monitor for Threats: – Healthcare organizations should continuously monitor for potential security threats and take proactive measures to mitigate them.

Ensure Compliance: – Healthcare organizations should work with their cloud provider to ensure that they are meeting all regulatory requirements for the handling of patient data. They should comply with HIPAA and HITECH regulations to avoid legal penalties.

Conduct Regular Security Audits: – Healthcare organizations should conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and ensure that security measures are effective.


Cloud security is crucial in the healthcare sector, where patient data is highly sensitive and subject to strict regulations. Healthcare organizations must ensure that their cloud computing providers have strong security measures in place, and that they are meeting all regulatory requirements for the handling of patient data. By following best practices for cloud security, healthcare organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches, protect patient data, and avoid significant fines and legal penalties.

GoDgtl by Prutech is your reliable cloud solution provider offering end-to-end services through a secure and scalable environment. Our experienced security experts follow a strategic security approach and ensure the highest standards in cloud security services.  

We help organizations to identify potential risks and address vulnerabilities in their systems.  

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Migration Services

Choose the best cloud migration tools to start your cloud journey

With the increase in the demand for cloud technologies, more and more organizations are realizing the benefits of moving their data and applications to the cloud. To achieve high availability and scalability, organizations are adopting remote working environments and digital transformation through cloud migration. Cloud migration has many benefits including improved scalability, flexibility, availability, and security. It reduces the operational costs and offers better business agility allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.

Types of cloud migration

The cloud migration strategy is implemented through various processes depending upon the specific need of the user. Each has its own advantages and considerations. 

The commonly implemented cloud strategies include:

Lift and Shift (Rehosting): Organizations often maintain on-premises infrastructure leading to increased operational burden, complex management issues, scalability challenges, and increased budget. To overcome this IT organizations choose Lift and Shift system of cloud migration that helps move the infrastructure to the cloud with as few changes as possible. The migration process is quick and reliable with minimum changes made to the application code.

Re-platforming: Re-platforming involves migrating the application workloads to the cloud and optimize for enhanced performance, reducing operational costs, or leverage cloud specific capabilities. 

Refactoring: This cloud migration strategy involves rebuilding or redesigning the application to take full advantage of cloud migration services. Microservices and serverless computing features are used to achieve scalability, add new features, or enhance application performance through this cloud strategy.  

Need to choose the right migration tool

Choosing the right cloud migration tool that suits specific business needs is crucial for a smooth and successful digital transition. 

  • Cloud migration tools help migrate data, applications, and infrastructure from on-premises to the cloud. 
  • The right cloud migration tool helps overcome common migration challenges such as data loss, application downtime, and security breaches. 
  • The right migration tool optimizes migration processes, reduces costs, and enhances productivity for businesses.

Factors to consider while choosing the right migration tool

Choosing the right migration tool depends on the specific needs of the organization. There are various factors to be considered while choosing the right migration tool.

  • Migration strategy
  • Application compatibility
  • Scalability and performance
  • Data migration capability
  • Automation and orchestration
  • Security and compliance
  • Monitoring and reporting
  • Reliable vendor
  • Cost considerations
  • Integration with cloud providers
  • Easy to integrate and use

Best Cloud Migration Tools:

There are many cloud migration tools available in the market, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and requirements. Here are some popular cloud migration tools you can consider for starting your cloud journey.

AWS migration hub: AWS migration services are the leading migration tools for applications that rely on the database. They offer a secure environment for cloud migration and minimize downtime. This tool is designed to simplify the migration process to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provide a central location for tracking the status of multiple migrations.

Azure migration tools:  Azure migration tools automate the migration of VMs and bulk data migration. Azure supports both cloud-to-cloud migration and migration from virtual machines and physical servers. A central hub is created by the migration tool for teams to execute and track the migration process.

Google cloud migration tools: The cloud migration tool allows organizations to move data in stages, while the management tool controls the various components and orchestrates the migration.

Carbonite migration: This migration tool reduces the risk of data migration by creating a repeatable process for data migration. Teams can ensure through this tool that their workloads are running on the right platform. 

Cornet SurPaaS: The Cornet SurPaaS migration tool is helpful for enterprises looking for a Software as a Service migration process. It packages the applications as a SaaS solution and allows users to optimize their operations by balancing workloads and enables the quick transformation of on-premises applications into SaaS applications.

Cloudscape: The Cloudscape migration tool helps enterprises to understand the business data scattered across clouds and gives insights of how to move applications into the cloud. 

AppDynamics: AppDynamics migration tool helps as a monitoring solution that provides real-time monitoring of the applications. It helps in keeping the applications secure and detect any issues for a quick resolution.

ScienceLogic: It is an automated cloud migration platform that provides complete visibility into the migration process. Its user interface helps teams to analyze data with actionable insights to identify and resolve issues quickly.

Case study

Cloud migration allows organizations to enhance performance, provides scalability, and reduces the overall cost of maintaining the infrastructure.

  1. Golftripz: As an event organizing enterprise Golftripz offers golf holiday experiences to golfers around the world. To deliver world-class services they needed a reliable and stable platform to support its growing customer base. Golftripz implemented the best AWS cloud migration tools that included automatic scaling and predictive scaling enhancing their customer services. Implementing the right set of cloud migration tools helped them to achieve cost-efficiency and enhanced performance.
  2. Skandhanshi: Skandhanshi Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd. is a real estate company offering services through advanced technology implementation to customers. Skandhanshi successfully migrated their on-premises infrastructure to the cloud by implementing cloud migration tools. They achieved enhanced website performance, regular monitoring, scalability, and a secure environment.

GoDgtl by Prutech, an Advanced AWS partner helped Golftripz and Skandhanshi realize their cloud migration journey with the implementation of right cloud migration tools.


While opting for cloud migration tools it is necessary for organizations to choose the one that best suits the specific needs. The migration tool should be easy to integrate with the infrastructure, easy to use, and cost-effective. 

GoDgtl by Prutech helps organizations with a smooth migration process ensuring zero data loss, faster cloud operationalization, cost-effective, reduced downtime, and a fully secure cloud environment through the implementation of the right set of cloud migration tools.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Migration Services

Benefits of migrating your Microsoft Windows workloads to AWS cloud

Organizations are realizing the potential benefits of migrating their Microsoft Windows workloads and the flexibility it provides for managing huge data and applications.

Organizations are opting to migrate their Microsoft Windows workloads to AWS Cloud to get over the burden of managing unreliable firewalls, hardware and software systems that have performance issues, and resources that are unable to perform during peak times.

Migrating large Microsoft Windows workloads from on-premises data center to an AWS cloud requires a well-planned strategy and implementation of the right set of tools.

Modernizing Microsoft Windows workloads to Amazon EC2 instances offers agility and enhanced security and compliance.  

Benefits of migrating Microsoft Windows workloads to AWS Cloud

Flexibility: Amazon EC2 instances allow users to choose the operating system, middleware platforms, and libraries. Amazon EC2 allows users to configure memory, CPU, and boot partition that can be optimized for the available infrastructure. Windows servers run with enhanced efficiency that will improve output and response time. 

Customized infrastructure: AWS offers customized environments for Windows under the EC2 instance services. It allows users to seamlessly transfer their on-prem windows files to AWS. EC2 instances support the migration of Windows SQL for effectively managing databases. 

Ease of accessibility: Migrating Windows workloads to Amazon EC2 has the major advantage of gaining complete control over virtual servers. It allows users to access the resources from anywhere and anytime.    

Enhanced security and backup system: Amazon EC2 ensures automated backup for Windows workloads through customized backup plans to suit the specific needs of every customer. The workloads available on EC2 servers are secure and can be accessed only by authorized members with valid credentials.

Cost-effective: AWS provides a highly secure infrastructure that is designed to protect against a wide range of potential threats, including DDoS attacks, phishing, and other forms of cybercrime. Amazon EC2 for Microsoft Windows allows users to choose a plan that best suits their usage and specific needs. This helps in the maximum utilization of resources and reduces costs significantly. The upfront costs of purchasing and maintaining hardware is reduced. Amazon EC2 passes the benefits to the users as they need to pay a very low amount compared to the services they are availing.

Ease of handling large-sized files: Amazon EC2 offers higher bandwidth making it easy for the storage platform to handle large file requests without causing any disruption to the critical tasks. Organizations opting for AWS cloud benefit through Amazon EC2 and can handle heavy files without any difficulty as compared to a third-party platform.

Windows licensing: AWS guarantees extra reliability by allowing Amazon EC2 users to ‘Bring their own license’. AWS offers the flexibility to use new and existing Microsoft software licenses. By choosing Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud license-included instances fully compliant SQL Server licenses are provided by AWS. Amazon EC2 Dedicated Hosts, and Amazon EC2 Dedicated Instances services allow users to use their existing licenses while migrating to AWS. AWS License Manager helps in the ease of tracking software license usage and reduces the risk of compliance.

AWS consists of various services including AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Compute Optimizer, and AWS Managed Services for optimizing the costs, usage, and licenses after the successful migration of Windows workloads. 


Migrating Microsoft workloads to Amazon Web Services (AWS) can help customers optimize costs and improve the agility and scalability of the infrastructure. This, in turn, allows them to innovate more easily and modernize their infrastructure and applications, leading to continued cost-savings.

By leveraging the power of AWS, customers can take advantage of its robust infrastructure and cutting-edge technology to streamline their operations and achieve greater efficiency. Moreover, AWS provides a secure and reliable platform for running Microsoft workloads, ensuring that customers can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their data is always protected. 

GoDgtl by Prutech is an AWS approved Cloud partner with expertise in migrating Microsoft Windows workloads to AWS cloud for various business organizations. Our expertise and competency helped various organizations with diverse industry verticals to realize their cloud transformation process.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive in the cloud era. Contact 24/7 – GoDgtl (

Blog Cloud Consulting

Benefits of Disaster Recovery Solution in Cloud Computing

Disaster recovery involves data backup and recovery services for an organization’s IT infrastructure. With the increasing reliance on cloud computing, it’s important to have a disaster recovery plan that specifically addresses the cloud environment.

Disaster recovery planning is essential for the safety of crucial digital data of an organisation. A disaster can cause considerable loss financially and reputation-wise for organisations across the world.  It is, therefore, necessary to have a recovery plan for retrieving important data in the event of an unforeseen condition. The goal of disaster recovery is to minimize downtime and data loss and ensure business continuity.

In a cloud computing environment, disaster recovery typically involves replicating data and applications to a secondary location. The secondary location could be another cloud provider’s data center or an on-premises data center. The replication ensures that in the event of a disaster, the secondary location has the most up-to-date data and applications to continue operations.

Advantages of effective disaster recovery solution in the cloud

Scalability: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions can be easily scaled up or down to meet changing business needs. This means that organizations can quickly and easily adjust their disaster recovery resources to ensure preparedness for potential disasters.

Cost-effectiveness: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions are typically more cost-effective than traditional recovery solutions. This is because organizations only pay for the resources they need, rather than investing in expensive hardware and infrastructure.

Accessibility: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that organizations can quickly and easily recover their data and applications from any location, which is especially important in the event of a disaster.

Reliability: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions are designed to be highly reliable and available. This means that organizations can trust that their data and applications will be available when they need them most. The well-designed network architecture ensures that any errors and issues are identified and resolved quickly. The cloud service provider offers 24×7 support and maintenance for the hardware and software resources of the cloud storage.

Security: Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions typically offer robust security features to protect against cyber threats and data breaches. This can help organizations avoid costly downtime and reputation damage.

Backup and recovery: The backup and recovery system can be automated through cloud computing. The services can also be used on a pay-as-use basis. Cloud disaster recovery includes the recovery of the entire server as a single entity. This includes the operating system, applications, patches, and data into a single virtual server. This server can be easily copied onto the off-site data center or used as a virtual host for immediate use. The data from the virtual server can be accessed, copied, or migrated from one data center to another within less time.


Disaster recovery in cloud computing is critical to ensuring business continuity. By leveraging cloud-based disaster recovery solutions, organizations can ensure that they are prepared for potential disasters and can quickly recover their critical data and applications in the event of an outage or disruption. By implementing regular backups, automating disaster recovery, and testing the disaster recovery plan regularly, organizations can ensure that their cloud environment is prepared for any potential disasters.

GoDgtl by Prutech is always at the forefront of providing reliable disaster recovery through end-to-end cloud security solutions. Our expertise in offering customised security solutions have helped organisations implement a robust disaster recovery strategy for their cloud infrastructure.   

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Secure Data Using AWS Storage Gateway

Amazon Web Service Hybrid Cloud Data Storage architectures provide the offering of connecting your valuable on-premise data applications and systems to cloud computing data technology storage. Accordingly, this provides you with cost efficiency, reducing management burden, and mega potential for data innovation. Get high-quality integration of AWS Hybrid Cloud Data Storage, data transfer, and migration services with the most appropriate process-oriented job. Also, develop the scope for prevention of Wide Area Network(WAN) latencies, and supply a high-quality AWS management experience.

According to statistics from Mordor Intelligence, the Cloud Storage Gateway market is financially estimated to be valued at approx USD 11 million by the year 2026.

As part of the application modernization strategy, the AWS Hybrid Cloud Data Storage solution served as a centralized hub between development teams, business units, and vendors for driving modernization across the enterprise to meet key strategic business goals.

Protect your Amazon Web Service-oriented Hybrid Cloud Data Solution as part of the data modernization process using Amazon Web Service Storage Gateway.

Purpose of AWS Hybrid Cloud Data Solution

Deliver consistent business outcomes, considering the same intensity of positive service results with the safety of your commercial data through Amazon Web Services empowered Hybrid Cloud Data Storage Architecture. The objective here would be to develop present and future data value, once the commercial data modernization journey was done.

Transform your cloud data storage to be accurate for the best commercial results. Increasing use of Cloud Data Storage Solutions with services by customers was reported but in certain cases applications working on-premises required low latency data access and required quick data transfer to the cloud. In such cases, the on-premise applications and data-oriented systems were connected to Cloud Data Storage Technology.

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Data Storage Architecture

Activate commercial data infrastructure with IT services on-premises and at the edge. Safeguard and commercially protect your AWS Hybrid Cloud Data using AWS Storage Gateway, as part of the data modernization strategy. Amazon Hybrid Cloud Services provide a consistent AWS experience, by putting the same amount of effort into every service delivery with high-tech data security for optimum(best) commercial results.

Enable the premium Amazon Web Service data storage experience with exceptional quality from the Cloud Computing Technology, on-premises or on the edge.

Recognize the benefits of shifting from an existing decentralized application to a centralized cloud application. Get streamlined (simplified) maintenance conduct, enhanced security, ongoing updates, and enable remote deployments globally, by saving money, with the centralized cloud data storage application.

  • Improvise digital transformation

Achieve perfect, flawless faster work process using the safe cloud infrastructure and quick service delivery due to uninterrupted work performance. Upgrade by managing all your data applications with Amazon Web Services specifically those used in locations because of the data residency aspect, local processing, and latency requirements.

  • Enhance the value of IT and developer productivity

Present developers with an all-in-one premium IT platform, supplying exceptional quality for data building, deployment, and accurately managing IT applications.

  • Hybrid Cloud with AWS provides the mega potential for the IT staff to operate the same hardware, services, and platforms for working with data infrastructure management. Accordingly, this can be done with the benefit of supreme with top quality data storage in the form of On-premise, On-Cloud, or on edge data platforms and online environments.
  • Present differentiated services and innovative data storage experiences

Work with interactive and responsive data applications, as new with original service offerings to users. Arrange your applications, commercial data infrastructure, and services on-premises for a superior data storage experience.

How to protect Hybrid Cloud Data Storage Architecture using Amazon Web Services Storage Gateway?

Prioritize your workload data transfer to the cloud platform that proves to be beneficial considering agility which implies being quick, smarter, and clever for making commercial decisions. Also, get other benefits like improvising innovation with new, original, and uncommon ways of accurate data management. Strengthen virtual and offline data security of your commercial IT assets by protection from malware, phishing, ransomware, or any other cyber threats, cost-efficiently.

  • Deploy Commercial Data Storage Gateway – Login with credentials using AWS Management Console for the creation and generating of a new storage gateway. Select a type specifically file, volume, or tape. The pre-configured virtual environment will be deployed in your IT environment or data network depending on the download
  • A minimum of 150GB of data storage for the local cache must be allotted. Storage gateway develops instant connection online with AWS Cloud Computing Solution  through Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) connection
  • Enable Storage Gateway – Activation ensures the accurate connection between the newly deployed storage gateway and the AWS Cloud Computing Technology for data storage
  • For checking the condition of the file gateway and its resources, activate with login by the configuration of the Amazon CloudWatch Log group that provides related notification
  • Generate and create commercial data storage –

After activation is done, the user can begin data storage from the AWS Management console. The factor of storage type can be decided on the parameter of the type of storage gateway, considered for deployment

  • Connect, collaborate and co-relate with clients-

Get modern, up-to-date, and uninterrupted access to AWS Cloud Storage on-premises with your local network. Work with clients and other modern data applications, like on a usual data storage system

Upgrade your way of working with Amazon Web Service empowered Storage Gateway perceived as a Hybrid Cloud Data Storage solution that provides the scope of service, offering help to professionals, stakeholders, businessmen, and service professionals at any phase of their cloud data storage journey.

Get unlimited cloud data storage online with Amazon Web Services-oriented Storage Gateway Solution to secure your commercial data as the overall data infrastructure is backed up by AWS Cloud Computing Solutions. Get premium consultation here.